
Age 5 years
Strength Unknown
Comments Bottled by Gordon & McPhail
Members comments "Like its 5 year old neighbour, Glen Grant, good for pouring over ice cream". "A well balanced, pleasant, light whisky, with a good malty feeling throughout and a piquant bite of spirit in the middle. A good one! A surprise for its age!". "mild and pleasant, overcome with the initial flavour of youthful oil". "Surprisingly pleasant for its age". "I am surprised in a 5 year old whisky that the malt can establish its chharacter so well". "Nothing exceptional, but nothing unacceptable either. Good standard Highland malt, somewhat belying its age". "Rather bland, but most pleasantly surprising considering its youth". "A pleasant young malt with sharpish alcohol and some oiliness on the finish". "Quite good for a 5 year old malt".
Points allotted 6.2
