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Support for Cooperation

One of the papers presented a Java-like language called Obliq and its possibility for creating Oblets. The author argued that Obliq was pretty much like Java but with one difference, which is that Java language is non-distributed whereas in Obliq distribution is inherent to the language. Apparently, Oblets make it very easy to build distributed Web-based applications and that its high-level support makes it easy to write, as well as distributed, collaborative applications.

The other paper was concerned with general approach to deploying applications on the Web. They argued that the API-based approach is too restrictive and too heavy weight. Their experience with BSCW Shared Workspace system has proved that developing applications on a pure API basis, such as through CGIs, you end up developing a black box which can not be accessed from the outside and access the outside world. So, their question was, if we cannot make use of Web facilities when implementing an API-based application on the Web, why those facilities, such as user authentication, directory listing, access control, etc, are included in the http protocol. Would it not make more sense if those functionalities were modularised outside the server's domain ? Their answer to this question was to design a toolkit to deploying applications on the Web in a modular fashion. This toolkit consisted of 3 types of components; a communication module, responsible for dealing with requests from clients in a particular format and protocol; Integration Service, responsible for routing request objects to specific Application Modules; Application Modules, which will contain all the specifics of an application and will therefore interact with the different applications.

Ana Goldenberg
Wed May 22 16:27:06 BST 1996