1st UK Asynchronous Forum

December 17-18 1996,

Department of Computer Science - University of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.


The workshop will be held in the Computer Science Department (Rm 2511) in the James Clerk Maxwell Building in the King's Buildings campus of Edinburgh University.

Map of Edinburgh here.

Map of Kings Buildings here.


The registration fee of 15.00 pounds will cover coffee/tea, biscuits and the dinner on the evening of the 17th.

Registration Form here.


We have arranged accommodation at MORAY HOUSE (Newington campus), East Suffolk Road, Edinburgh EH16 5PW, Tel# 0131 668 3377, Fax # 0131 668 4696. The price per night for Bed and Breakfast will be 16.50. Rooms are reserved for participants for the night of the 17th. It is possible to book rooms for the few days before and after this date. Please note that this is basic student accommodation in single rooms, and was chosen because of its price and convenient location close to the conference site. Please report on arrival to the administrative office in the Carlyle Building (closes at 21:00). Payment can be made in either cash, cheque or VISA.

Map of Moray House here.

NOTE: We can only guarantee your accommodation if the registration form is returned before December 10th. After that date you should contact Ms. Marjorie McCallum at MORAY HOUSE directly.