#VRML V2.0 utf8 #Prototype of emin. #PROTO EMIN0 [ # exposedField SFInt32 state 1# # field SFVec3f translation 0 0 0 # ] #{ EXTERNPROTO GLASS[] "glass.wrl" EXTERNPROTO BEAD[field SFColor color] "bead.wrl" EXTERNPROTO CPU[ exposedField SFInt32 state exposedField SFVec3f translation] "cpu.wrl" EXTERNPROTO MEM[ exposedField SFInt32 state field SFVec3f translation ] "mem.wrl" EXTERNPROTO XBAR4[ eventIn MFInt32 connections eventIn SFTime glowTime field SFVec3f translation ] "xbar4.wrl" DEF BASEGROUP Transform { translation 0 0 0 children [ DEF Node0 CPU { state 0 translation -3 4 0 } DEF Node1 CPU { state 1 translation -1 4 0 } DEF Node2 CPU { state 0 translation 1 4 0 } DEF Node3 CPU { state 1 translation 3 4 0 } Transform { rotation 0 0 0 3.141 children DEF sw0_0 XBAR4 { translation -2 2 0 } } Transform { rotation 0 0 0 3.141 children DEF sw0_1 XBAR4 { translation 2 2 0 } } Transform { rotation 0 0 0 3.141 children DEF sw1_0 XBAR4 { translation -2 0 0 } } Transform { rotation 0 0 0 3.141 children DEF sw1_1 XBAR4 { translation 2 0 0 } } DEF Memory0 MEM { state 0 translation -3 -3 0 } DEF Memory1 MEM { state 1 translation -1 -3 0 } DEF Memory2 MEM { state 0 translation 1 -3 0 } DEF Memory3 MEM { state 1 translation 3 -3 0 } ] } #} # Hook to allow java to get vrml time. DEF Clock TimeSensor { loop TRUE enabled TRUE} Background { skyAngle [1.6] skyColor [.3 .3 .9, .3 .3 .5] #groundColor [0.1 0.4 0.1, 0.1 0.3 0.1] #groundAngle [1.55] } #Background { # topUrl "haywainc.jpg" # bottomUrl "delightc.jpg" #} #EMIN0 {}