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Thanks to..

for including this site in their list of top 100 World Web sites in 1995, and

for including me in their top 500 in December 1996

The Epicurus group of companies for including me in their top 500 best sites in March 1997


None of this would have been possible without the generous help of many people. I would single out Michael Jackson and his agent for permission to reproduce large portions of "The Malt Whisky Companion", Mike Seton, Andy Sutherland and others for a fine collection of distillery photographs, the Moray Tourist Board for the town plans and thumbnail descriptions, the SMWS and Scotch Whisky Association for general background help and assistance and numerous private contributors.


Why did I do it?

Fun of course and because people appreciate it and say so, but nothing is ever quite as simple as that. There is a shred or two of justification as well.

I wanted somewhere where I could experiment with authoring techniques for hypertext, play with new ideas, learn some of the things they don't tell you in books and generally get a feel for it all. Academic institutions are pathfinding a new information culture and people in CS departments need to be able to understand it properly before we can advise others. What better way to understand it than to participate?

I also felt that organisations would quickly be judged by their presence on the Web and that a bit of light entertainment to alleviate the serious business of pursuing academic goals would be a bit of good subliminal advertising. (oops, that's that piece of subtle policy blown...) I also wanted to see what was involved in producing something of reasonable quality and properly researched as to avoiding copyright violations etc. There are a few left but the pages are pretty much copyright-clean. (that bit was written in 1994 and it seems slightly quaint now!)

Finally, I have received a lot of material both professionally and of general interest off the net - this is me putting a little bit back.

Above all the pages are here for your enjoyment.


John Butler