
Age 10 years
Strength 75° proof
Tasting date 23/9/78
Comments It appeared to members of The Gillies Club that the Laphroaig obtainable in the mid 1980's was not nearly as robust as that obtainable in the late 1970's. The Club was moved to write to the distillery in about 1985 to ask if this could be so, and were informed by them that, indeed, the "bigness" of Laphroaig had been reduced. Gillies Club members considered this to be a retrograde step. The malt tasted at this tasting was the newer, less fullsome Laphroaig.
Members' comments "Enjoyable and most palatable". "Overpowered by iodine. Should be kept in home medical cabinets for cuts and scratches". "I don't like the iodine flavour". "Great and individualistic". "The big daddy of them all". "An acquired taste, and a joy to those lucky enough to appreciate it". "I think this whisky is not as peaty as it used to be, but is still the biggest in peat that I've tasted". "This is a whisky which grows on you". "I have grown to appreciate it".
Points allotted 7.1
