
Age 12 years
Strength 43%
Tasting date 17/8/85
Members' comments "Peat and malt to optimum level. Will improve with age", "While not in the top dozen, is still in the top half of the whiskies", "Spirity, sweet flavour, but still a 'moresome' whisky", "Full maltiness the main character, but with a spiritiness which detracts slightly", "Unassuming, watery whisky, suitable for Queen Victoria", "A wll balanced and round malty, alcoholic whisky with a burnt woody background", "A fine lighter whisky, honed to a good edge, and, I would suggest, at its optimum age", "Too spirituous and thin", "Pleasant, but not outstanding", "Still has that delicate touch of the 'light, Scottish flowers'", "Could be nosed forever. A pleasant but not big whisky to taste", "Reasonable balance of malt, peat and wood. Enjoyable and easy to drink".
Points allotted 6.5
