
Age 25 years
Strength 46%
Tasting date 7/5/83
Comments This malt was a Wm.Cadenhead bottling.. Although this malt scored only 6.6 points by the Parent branch, the Highland branch allotted it 7.9 points, their highest ever point-score.
Members' comments "Unusual flavour with lots of wood and lingering alcohol", "Interesting colour. Certainly only one sherry cask", "A much more abrasive malt than its age would predicate", "Don't like this whisky very much. Harsh and sharp", "Tastes completely different from the smell. Disjointed and harsh. I prefer the 12 year old", "Would much prefer the 12 year old. Has been in the cupboard too long - hence the mustiness", "It is pleasantly different", "A powerful, malted wood", "Fascinating. A slow explosion of character on the palate", "Different!", "Astringent - foosty". "Smooth and interesting alcohol-tasting malt. Does not live up to 25 year old expectations".
Points allotted 6.6
