
Age 8 years
Strength 43%
Tasting date 7/5/83
Members' comments "Excellent light malt with some sweetness and a good nose", "Remarkably complex whisky for its age. Jolly good", "Not vastly different from several other Highland malts", "Simple, unsophisticated whisky", "Has a character of its own", "A whisky with a lot of promise. Junior offspring of the 16 year old, but a lovely malt", "Pleasant whisky. The only worry about it is the strong initial alcoholic sharpness", "Quite pleasant despite its youth and oiliness", "Quite acceptable - a middle range malt", "This malt has everything to complement it", "Nice rounded whisky, spoilt a little by some alcoholic harshness", "I like it; the malt and alcohol are strong", "Pleasant light whisky", "Very pleasant lighter whisky. The smoothness beloies its age",
Points allotted 6.7
