Cradle Mountain

Age 3 years
Strength Unknown
Comments This single malt is distilled at the Small Concern Distillery Company in Tasmania, and this bottle was from the first ever distillation. The Tasmanian State Government found that it has large quantities of malting barley on its hands, and called for expressions of interest from organisations willing to buy the barley at a discounted price. A number of concerned citizens got together to form an association to buy the barley and decided to use it to distill malt whisky. Those involved were business men, professionals, engineers, old age pensioners, shopkeepers, etc. The Small Concern Distillery was constructed, and our sampling was from the first distillation. The strength was approximately 75° proof, and the first bottles sold for $A100.(the equivalent of 35pounds and 30 pence on today's-August, 1998 - rate of exchange). This was fairly expensive by Australian standards, as a bottle of, for instance, The Glenlivet, sells for around $A60 (21 pounds, 18 pence). There is plenty of peat in TasmanPoints allotted
Points allotted 3.6

Sept. 1997