Glen Grant

Age 10 years
Strength 70° proof
Comments This malt was chosen as a "standard" by the South Antipodean branch of The Gillies Club to be tasted first at all meetings, to give members something with which to compare the malts to be tasted that day.
Members' comments "A most acceptable malt flavour but does lack a firm finish and aftertaste". "An enjoyable whisky". An excellent malt which I have always favoured for its mellowness". A big post- prandial drop. Fine all the way through. Not a Junior League whisky. It may go very well with water". "Light, pleasant, clear. My duty-free holiday drink", "Excellent Highland malt with magnificent balance of all ingredients". "Good choice for the standard Highland malt, being fairly typical of the area". "Excellent. One of my favourites". "Pleasing. A more prominent malt would make it really good".
Points allotted 7.1
