TeX and Friends at dcs.ed.ac.uk

Master Index of Local Fonts

This list is an automatically generated index to the various fonts which are installed on the local system. Simply click over a font name to see a sample document written using that font family. To use any one of these fonts for your own documents, you generally just need to include the line \usepackage{<fontname>} in your preamble; where <fontname> is one of the following fonts.

N.B. Certain font sizes, shapes and weights are not available in other typefaces. Also, some special symbols may be missing (e.g. pound signs). Therefore, each entry below is annotated to let you know which font families are modified by the package, e.g. \rm (roman font), \sf (sans serif font), \tt (typewriter font) etc. Also all sample documents are in 10pt text because some fonts are only available in that point size.

TeX at dcs.ed.ac.uk <latex@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
Last modified on Wednesday 8 May, 1996