The TeX Catalogue Online

by Graham Williams

Brief CTAN Edition

Welcome to The TeX Catalogue Online, Brief CTAN Edition. This is a brief listing of all entries in the TeX Catalogue. It may take a little time to load, but is hopefully worth it. Have a look at the Catalogue Preface for alternative ways of accessing the catalogue.

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This compilation Copyright © 1998, 1999 Graham J. Williams. Last modified Monday, 29 March 1999.

Use of these web documents and information contained herein is subject to the CSIRO Legal Notice and Disclaimer.

a0poster Provides fonts in sizes of 12pt up to 107pt
a2ac AFM to AFM plus Composites.
a4 Support for A4 paper sizes
a4wide Increases width of printed area of an a4 page
a5 Support for a5 paper size
a5comb Support for a5 paper
aaai AAAI style.
abbrevs Expand abbreviations
abc2mtex Notate tunes stored in abc notation
abstbook Books of abstracts
abstyles No description available.
accents Multiple accents
accfonts Includes mkt1font, vpl2vpl, CSX.def, and Norman.def.
achemso LaTeX and BibTeX style for American Chemical Society.
acronym Expand acronyms at least once
acroread View pdf formatted files
acrotex How to generate PDF with TeX
adfathesis Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format.
adobe Font metrics and macro support for many Adobe fonts.
adobeother Font metrics for Adobe non-standard fonts.
adobestd Font metrics for Adobe `standard' fonts.
adrlist Using address lists in LaTeX.
advdate Provides macros which can add a specified number of days to the current date (as specified in \today) and print it
ae A set of virtual fonts which emulates T1 coded fonts using the standard CM fonts
afterpage Implements a command that causes the commands specified in its argument to be expanded after the curent page is output
afthesis LaTeX thesis/dissertation class for US Air Force Institute Of Technology.
aguplus Styles for American Geophysical Union.
aiaa American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
akletter An advanced letter document class which extends LaTeX's usual letter class, providing support for building your own letterhead and marking fold points for window envelopes.
alatex An extended LaTeX with better modularity.
alg LaTeX environments for typesetting algorithms.
algorithmic Provides an environment for describing algorithms
algorithms Defines a floating algorithm environment designed to work with the algorithmic package.
alltt Defines the alltt environment which is like the verbatim environment except that \ and braces have their usual meanings
alphanum Permits alphanumeric section numbering
altfont A generalised replacement for some parts of psnfss and mfnfss
amiweb2c An Amiga port of the complete UNIX-TeX system.
amsbsy Part of the AMS-LaTeX distribution, this package provides a command for producing bold math symbols when appropriate fonts exist, and a `poor man's bold' command that can be applied when no appropriate bold font is available
amscd Part of the AMS-LaTeX distribution, this package adapts the commutative diagram macros of AMS-TeX for use in LaTeX.
amsfonts A set of TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society augmenting the standard set normally distributed with TeX, including: extra mathematical symbols; blackboard bold letters (uppercase only); fraktur letters; subscript sizes of bold math italic and bold Greek letters; subscript sizes of large symbols such as sum and product; added sizes of the Computer Modern small caps font; cyrillic fonts (from the University of Washington); Euler math fonts.
amslatex A collection of loosely related files that are distributed together by the American Mathematical Society
amsltx11 Version of AMS-LaTeX for version 2.09 of LaTeX.
amsmath This package is the principal package in the AMS-LaTeX distribution
amsppt AMS-TeX article preprint document style.
amsppt1 AMS-TeX conversion file to provide compatibility between amsppt.sty version 1 and amsppt.sty version 2.
amssym Defines names for all the math symbols in the AMS symbol fonts (msam and msbm)
amssymb Part of the AMSFonts distribution, this LaTeX option defines symbol names for all the math symbols in the fonts MSAM and MSBM, of the AMSFonts package.
amstex American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros.
amstext Part of the AMS-LaTeX distribution, this package defines a \text macro, which makes it easy to incorporate fragments of text inside a displayed equation or a sub or superscript
answers Styles for setting questions (or exercises) and answers.
anttvf A collection of virtual fonts generated with fontinst 1.6, that provide a PostScript font `Antykwa Toru\'nska' (antyktor) in OT1, T1, TS1 and OT4 encodings, to be used with LaTeX2e.
antyktor Antykwa Toru\'nska is a serif font designed by the Polish typographer Zygfryd Gardzielewski which have been reconstructed and digitized as .
apa A LaTeX class to format text according to the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (4th ed.) specifications for manuscripts or to the APA journal look found in journals like the Journal of Experimental Psychology etc
apacite A BibTeX style which closely follows the APA style citation, claiming to provide the closest match.
apasoft A more conforming apa-like style for BibTeX.
apl Fonts for typesetting APL programs.
appendix Provides various ways of formatting the titles of appendices
ar MetaFont files and a LaTeX2e package for producing and using the capital A and capital R ligature, used for the symbol of the ``aspect ratio'' by scientists and engineers in the field of aeronautics.
arabtex Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic.
armenian A package which lets one to write in Armenian with TeX
arosgn Support for the Bengali language.
array An extended implementation of the array and tabular environments which implements options to format columns
arrow Eplain macros for arrow theoretic diagrams.
arydshln Horizontal and veritcal dashed lines
asaetr An attempt to mimic Transactions of the ASAE.
ascii Support for IBM extended ASCII font.
astro Astronomical (planetary) symbols.
at A package to remove a lot of tedious typing that ends up in LaTeX documents by expanding the number of short command names available
auctex Emacs support files for TeX
aurora Header files for dvips to make colour separations.
authorindex A package to generate a list of all authors cited in a document along with a list of pages where these citations occur.
autotab Generating tabular setups.

babel Multilingual support for LaTeX.
backgammon Style for typesetting backgammon boards.
bakoma A TeX package intended for preparing Electronic Publications
bakoma-fonts Computer Modern and AMS fonts in PostScript Type1 form.
bar Provides the barenv environment for bar charts.
barcode2 No description available.
barcodes Fonts for making barcodes.
barr Diagram macros by Michael Barr.
base Definitive source of Plain TeX on CTAN
bbding An NFSS-interface to the symbol font bbding containing many of the Zapf dingbats fonts.
bbm Blackboard variant fonts for Computer Modern, with LaTeX support.
bbold Sans serif blackboard bold
beebe Nelson Beebe's collection of TeX-related bibliographies and BibTeX style files.
belleek Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts
beton Typeset a LaTeX2e document with the Concrete fonts designed by Don Knuth and used in his book ``Concrete Mathematics''.
bez123 A package providing additional facilities for drawing linear, cubic, and rational quadratic Bezier curves
bezos Unrelated packages by Javier Bezos: tools for math accents; tensorial indexes; tools for easy entry of Spanish index entries.
bibarts A package to assist in making bibliographical lists common in the arts.
bibindex A stand-alone tool for indexing BibTeX documents to be searched using the corresponding biblook tool.
biblio An extensive collection of BibTeX bibliographies on many topics (linux, java, sas, s-plus, amongst many others) and for many journals (lecture notes in computer science acm, byte, computer, and much, much, more.)
biblios A Windows95 tool that uses the CGI (common gateway interface) protocol so that BibTeX files can be managed remotely using an HTTP-server on the server side and a Web-browser such as Netscape on the client side.
biblist BibTeX styles by Joachim Schrod.
biblook A stand-alone tool for searching BibTeX documents which have been indexed by bibindex.
bibsort Sort a bibliography.
bibtex8bit A fully 8-bit adaptation of BibTeX 0.99.
bibtool Command line manipulation of BibTeX files: Pretty-printing data bases; Syntactic checks with error recovery; Semantic checks
bibunits A style to generate separate bibliographies for different units (parts) of the text (chapters, sections or bibunit-environments)
bibweb Bibweb is a utility for automatically retrieving mathematical bibliographical information, in BibTeX format, from the American Mathematical Society's MathSciNet database
bidstobibtex A tool to take input from a BIDS email message (generated using one of the downloading formats) to BibTeX.
bitstrea Font metrics, and macro support in LaTeX2e, for the free Bitstream fonts.
blackboard A demonstration of the various blackboard bold typefaces available for TeX (bbm, bbold, doublestroke, and msbm), including a PostScript file to preview them.
blue Kees van der Laan's BLUe format, a concise but expressive document preparation system modelled on Knuth's manmac.
bluesky Computer Modern family in format.
bm This is a package for accessing bold symbols in math mode
booktabs Nicer layout of tables.
borceux Diagram macros by Francois Borceux.
bosisio A collection of packages including: dblfont; graphfig; mathcmd; mathenv; quotes; sobolev.
boxedminipage A package for producing boxed minipages.
breqn No description available.
bridge Macros for typesetting bridge diagrams.
brief German private letter class with address boxes for window envelopes, a hook to put a figure or any kind of box in the top right corner, fold-marks (option falt), setting the text in informal \tt (option tt), configurable by a configuration file.
brushscr BrushScript fonts including pbsi, a Type-1 PostScript font containing BrushScript Italic characters.
btparse A fully functional Perl and C library interface to BibTeX files

c-pascal A TeX macro package for typesetting programs in C and Pascal
c2cweb A utility to prettyprint C and C plus plus source files using cweb.
calc Adds infix expressions to perform arithmetic in the LaTeX commands \setcounter, \addtocounter, \setlength, and \addtolength.
calendar A package for calendars and timetables
calligra Calligraphic font in the handwriting style of the author, Peter Vanroose.
calrsfs Nicer calligraphic letters.
camel Comprehensive bibliography manager (prototype citation engine for LaTeX3)
cancel A package to draw diagonal lines and arrows with limits through math formulas.
capt-of Defines a command \captionof for putting a caption to something that's not a float.
caption Extends caption capabilities for figures and tables, such as the caption width, style, font
caption2 Newer version of the caption package
carlisle Miscellaneous small packages by David Carlisle.
cases Multi-case equations with big brace, and a number for each case.
casyl Typeset Cree/Inuktitut in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics.
catalogue A catalogue of what's available on CTAN
catdoc A filter which converts binary MS-Word files into ascii text, optionally with some TeX control sequences (for those characters, which have special meaning for TeX).
cbgreek MetaFont source files for a complete set of Greek fonts.
cc-pl Polish MetaFont sources for variants of Computer Concrete.
ccaption A package providing commands for `continuation' headings and also a non-specific legend for floats
ccfonts LaTeX font definition files for the Concrete fonts and a LaTeX package for typesetting documents using Concrete as the default font family
cchess Macros and fonts for typesetting Chinese Chess board diagrams.
cdcover Typeset CD covers.
cdlabeler Take user text and typeset it to fit a CD label.
cellular Cellular table construction.
cep Compression utilities for PostScript files, written in AWK and PostScript (gawk and GhostScript) to compress bitmap EPS files up to 10 percent of the original size
changebar Generate changebars in LaTeX documents.
chapterbib Support multiple bibliographies, one for each \include file.
chemcono A LaTeX style file for using compound numbers in chemistry documents
chemsym Macros for typing chemical symbols.
cheq Adobe chess font.
cherokee Fonts for Cherokee scripts.
chess Fonts for typesetting chess boards.
chicago A bibliography style.
china2e A LaTeX package to produce Chinese calendar symbols of the old Chinese lunisolar calendar.
chktex This program catches some typographic errors LaTeX overlooks, and can be viewed as Lint for LaTeX
circ Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams
circle Provides circles in math mode that can be used for the nextstep operator of temporal logic, in conjunction with \Box and \Diamond (latexsym) or \square and \lozenge (amssymb)
circuit-macro Macros for drawing high-quality electric circuit diagrams containing fundamental elements amplifiers, transistors, and basic logic gates; they evaluate to drawing commands in the pic language
cirth Fonts for Cirth.
cite Supports compressed, sorted lists of numerical citations.
cjk A macro package which enables the use of Chinese/Japanese/Korean with LaTeX2e.
cjk-fonts Fonts to go with the cjk macro package for Chinese/Japanese/Korean with LaTeX2e.
cm Computer Modern fonts.
cmactex TeX for the Macintosh
cmbright A family of sans serif fonts for TeX and LaTeX, based on Donald Knuth's CM fonts
cmcyr Computer Modern fonts extended with Russian letters, in MetaFont sources and ATM Compatible .
cmcyralt Alternative Russian encoding support.
cmdtrack Check used commands
cmextra Extra Computer Modern fonts, from the American Mathematical Society.
cmpica A Computer Modern Pica variant.
cmps versions of PostScript fonts, from Blue Sky and Y\&Y.
cmsd A package including additional fd files
cmtt A package for handling the `cmtt' font better
cmyk-hax A set of TeX macros supporting color separation and substitution using the TeX/PostScript environment
code128 A set of barcode macros for the Code 128 standard.
codepage Support for variant code pages.
color Allows text and page background colors to be set
colorsep Support for colour separation when using dvips.
colortab Lets you shade or color the cells in the alignment environments such as \halign and LaTeX's tabular and array environments.
colortbl Add colour to LaTeX tables
comma Formats a number by inserting a comma (or anything else) every three digits, as in 1,234 and 12~345.
comment Selectively include/exclude pieces of text, allowing the user to define new, separately controlled, comment versions.
compsci Macros for writing about macros, most often used to supplement the `ltxdoc' class.
concmath Concrete math fonts derived from Computer Modern math fonts using parameters from Concrete text fonts
concprog A class which provides the necessary macros to prepare a (classical) concert programme.
concrete Concrete fonts.
concrete-wrap A wrapper to load up the appropriate packages to use the concrete fonts.
consdiag A utility for OO programming documentation
context A full featured, parameter driven macro package, which fully supports advanced interactive documents
corelpak A small perl script to install the pfb and afm files that Corel sells with their products but had to be inserted and renamed by hand.
count1to A LaTeX package which sets count1 to count9, which can be used to select certain pages with a driver
covington A LaTeX macro package for linguistics which supports a convenient way of putting multiple accents on a single letter.
croatian Fonts for typesetting Croatian scripts.
crop A package providing corner marks for camera alignment as well as for trimming paper stacks, and additional page information on every page if required
crossword Macros for typesetting crossword puzzles.
crosswrd Brian Hamilton Kelly's crosswrd package updated to run with LaTeX2e.
csfonts Czech/Slovak-tuned MetaFont Computer Modern fonts.
cslatex LaTeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting.
csplain Plain TeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting.
cspsfonts No description available.
cstug No description available.
csx Documentation for the CS/CSX 8-bit transliteration scheme, LaTeX2e input encoding definition file, and screen drivers for viewing CS/CSX documentation on DOS boxes.
cursor Creates a simple L-shaped `cursor' in a math environment to mimic what one might see on a computer screen.
curves Draws curves in the LaTeX picture environment using parabolas between points with continuous slope at points
custom-bib Package generating customized BibTeX bibliography styles from a generic file using docstrip.
cwebbin A highly portable and slightly extended version of cweb for Unix, Win32, and Amiga (and possibly other operating systems)
cwebx A system for Structured Software Documentation in C
cwpuzzle Typeset crossword puzzles.
cyrillic Cyrillic support.
cyrtug The CyrTUG distribution for emTeX.

dancers Font for the Sherlock Holmes `Dancing Men'.
dante-src Contains the source code for a TeX installation under UNIX (TeX, current release of \LateXe, MetaFont, BibTeX, MakeIndex, drivers for X11, HP LaserJet and PostScript).
dates Macros for parsing date strings.
dblfont A package intended for generating commands that print letters in the blackboard-bold font (which is often used for the numerical sets, for example).
dbprocess Parse the output from a database, delimited by either a tab or comma, and apply a user-defined macro to each line.
dc The Extended/European (Cork) Computer Modern fonts.
dco A set of vf and tfm files for using the dc-fonts with so-called ``Gemeine'' or oldstyle numerals
dcolumn Align on the decimal point of numbers in tabulars.
dcounter Supports dynamic counters
default A style to help provide default parameters for TeX macros.
delarray Add delimiters (parentheses etc.) around arrays (nesting brackets are automatically inserted).
deleq Provides a more flexible numbering of equations, subequations, and `recycled' equations, including `partial' equation numbers (`3a', `3b', etc.).
devanagari Fonts for typesetting Velthuis Devanagari.
dialogl Macros for constructing interactive LaTeX scripts.
dinbrief German letter DIN style.
directory A package for LaTeX and BibTeX that facilitates the construction, maintenance and exploitation of an address book-like database.
dn2 A pre-processor to fix problems with using devanagari font with German language extensions.
doc Contains the definitions that are necessary to format the documentation of package files (Literate LaTeX) which incorporate both the documentation and the code.
docstrip Makes a package documentation file smaller by removing comments and other sections of the document conditionally.
dotseqn Flush left equations with dotted letters to the numbers.
doublespace Defines the spacing environment which you can use anywhere in your document
doublestroke A font based on Computer Modern Roman useful for typesetting the mathematical symbols for the natural numbers (N), whole numbers (Z), rational numbers (Q), real numbers (R) and complex numbers (C).
draftcopy Places the word DRAFT (or other words) in light grey diagonally across the background (or at the bottom) of each (or selected) pages of the document.
drafthead Prints a header on each page including date and time and the string DRAFT.
dratex General drawing macros entirely in TeX.
drftcite Print the tags instead of the numbers for \cite and \bibitem.
dropcaps Use dropped capitals to start a paragraph.
dropping A LaTeX2e macro for dropping the first character(s) (or word(s)) of a paragraph, extending the LaTeX 2.09 package dropcaps and automatically taking care of finding the font name.
duerer Computer Duerer fonts.
dvgtk A DVI file previewer for Tektronix 4010 terminal emulators like Kermit, CONEX, or NCSA Telnet, using the Kpathsea library.
dvi2tty A DVI driver to produce an ASCII representation of the document
dviconcat Concatenates dvi files.
dvicopy Copy and concatenate DVI files.
dviljk A dvi driver for the LaserJet printers with recursive file searching.
dvipaste A program designed to produce files that conform to the TeX specifications for dvi files, even though they may actually be too big to be produced with normal implementations of TeX (because of limitations on memory size)
dvipdfm A dvi driver to produce PDF directly.
dvips Tom Rokicki's dvi to PostScript driver.
dvips-os2 OS/2 (and hence MS-DOS, Win3.1, Win32) executable for dvips.
dvips-shell A dvips Shell for Win32.
dvipsdoc No description available.
dvipsk A (now standard) version of dvips with support for recursive directory searching.

ean Font for making EAN barcodes.
easy Easy macros.
easybib A macro package for writing custom bibliographies with a simple syntax.
easybmat A simple package for writing block matrices with equal column widths or equal rows heights or both, with various kinds of rules between rows and columns.
easyeqn A simple package for writing equations.
easymat A simple package for writing block matrices, essentially an array enviroment with more kinds of lines and reentrant.
easytable A simple package for writing tables, with equal column widths or equal rows heights or both, with various kinds of rules (lines) between rows and columns.
easyvector A simple package for writing vectors in a C-like fashion.
ec The European Computer Modern Fonts supporting the complete LaTeX T1 encoding defined at the 1990 TUG conference hold at Cork/Ireland
ec-plain A plain-like format using the ec fonts including an extended math italic font (exmi) providing upright greek letters.
ecc The MetaFont sources and tfm files of the European Concrete Fonts
ecltree No description available.
eco A set of font metric files and virtual fonts for using the ec fonts with oldstyle numerals
ecpk No description available.
edmac A macro package for typesetting scholarly critical editions.
eepic Extensions to epic and the LaTeX picture drawing environment, including the drawing of lines at any slope, the drawing of circles in any radii, and the drawing of dotted and dashed lines much faster with much less TeX memory, and providing several new commands for drawing ellipses, arcs, splines, and filled circles and ellipses.
egplot A package to encapsulate gnuplot commands in a LaTeX source file and thus include figures generated with gnuplot.
eiad Macros and EIAD fonts.
eijkhout Several unrelated packages: DB_process, to parse and process database output; CD_labeler, to typeset user text to fit on a CD label; repeat.tex, a nestable, generic loop macro.
elsevier Preprint style for Elsevier Science journals.
elvish Font for typesetting Tolkien Elvish script.
emp A package for encapsulated MetaPost pictures in LaTeX
emtex A TeX system for MS-DOS.
emtex-os2 A TeX system for os2.
emtexgi A Windows interface to emTeX.
emtextds An emtex-based TeX system for OS/2 Warp with a TDS-compliant directory structure
emulateapj LaTeX style files to produce preprints with the page layout similar to that of the Astrophysical Journal.
encodings No description available.
endfloat Place all figures on pages by themselves at the end of the document with markers like ``[Figure 3 about here]'' appearing in the text (by default) near to where the figure (or table) would normally have occurred.
endnotes Accumulates footnotes and places them at the end of the document.
engwar Font for typesetting Tolkien Engwar script, by Michael Urban.
enumerate Adds an optional argument to the enumerate environment which determines the style in which the counter is printed.
envbig Printing addresses on envelopes.
envlab A LaTeX2e package for producing mailing envelopes and labels, including barcodes and address formatting according to the US Postal Service rules
epic A package enhancing LaTeX's picture mode.
epigraph A package for typesetting epigraphs---the pithy quotations often found at the start (or end) of a chapter
eplain Simple but powerful extended version of the plain format, adding support for bibliographies, tables of contents, enumerated lists, verbatim input of files, numbered equations, tables, two-column output, footnotes and commutative diagrams.
epmtfe TeX environment for OS/2
epsfig Include Encapsulated PostScript in LaTeX documents
epsfx An extension to epsf.tex/sty dvips macros, e.g., draft printing of bounding boxes.
epslatex An extensive document which explains how to use Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files in LaTeX2e documents
eqname Style for different equation numbering.
eqnarray More generalised equation arrays with numbering.
esieecv Curriculum vit for French.
esindex supports the typsetting of index entries in Spanish documents.
eso-pic A package to add picture commands to every page.
et A program to edit TeX files in a semi-WYSIWYG fashion on IBM-type PC's.
etexbase No description available.
ethiop Ethiopian language support for the babel package, including a collection of fonts and TeX macros for typesetting the characters of the languages of Ethiopia, with fonts based on EthTeX originally distributed by Abass B
etruscan Fonts for the Etruscan script
euler Provides a setup for using the AMS Euler family of fonts for math in LaTeX documents
euro No description available.
euro2 National and Euro currancy
eurofont Provides a command that prints a euro symbol
europs Provides access to Adobe's Euro currency symbol fonts from LaTeX
eurosans Provides a convenient interface for using the free Adobe Euro fonts in (PostScript) format
eurosym The new European currency symbol for the ``Euro'' implemented in Metafont, using the official European Commission dimensions, and providing several shapes (normal, slanted, bold, outline)
everysel A LaTeX package which provides hooks into selectfont.
everyshi Introduces a new hook for taking action at every \shipout.
exam Package for typesetting exam scripts.
examdesign Package for typesetting exams.
exams Exam questions can be multiple choice or free form long/short answer questions
excalibur A spelling checker for the Macintosh that is also LaTeX aware.
expdlist Expanded description environments.
expl3 Experimental packages to allow experienced TeX programmers to experiment with, and comment on, a proposed set of syntax conventions and basic data-types that might form the basis for programming large scale projects in TeX.
export This package allows the user to export/import the values of LaTeX registers (counters, rigid and rubber lengths only)
exscale Implements scaling of the `cmex' fonts.
extdash Implements the commands \Hyphdash, \Endash, \Emdash, and their *-forms, to control hyphenation of compound words and ordinary words dashed by em-dash

fancybox Provides variants of \fbox: \shadowbox, \doublebox, \ovalbox, \Ovalbox, with helpful tools for using box macros and flexible verbatim macros
fancyhdr Support for sophisticated control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e.
fancyref A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing.
fancyvrb Sophisticated handling of verbatim text including: verbatim commands in footnotes; a variety of verbatim environments with many parameters; ability to define new customized verbatim environments; save and restore verbatim text and environments; write and read files in verbatim mode; build ``example'' environments (showing both result and verbatim text).
faq The UK TeX Users Group Frequently Asked Questions.
fax Document class for preparing faxes.
fc Fonts for African languages, complementary to Computer Modern.
fepslatex French version of esplatex.
feynmf Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams.
fihyph Hyphenation patterns for Finnish language
filehdr A collection of tools to support BibTeX style format for file/package descriptions.
finbib No description available.
finplain A Finnish version of `plain.bst'.
fix2col Fixes some two column mode features: mark handling so that \firstmark is taken from the first column if that column has any marks at all; keep two column floats like figure* in sequence with single column floats like figure (like fixfloat).
fixfloat Modifies LaTeX's float handling mechanism so that double-column floats stay in sequence with single-column floats of the same type.
flabels Macros for typesetting pretty labels (optionally colored) for the back of files or binders (currently only the special a4 ``Leitz-Ordner'' ring binder is supported).
flatex A C program to flatten a LaTeX file into a single file, by explicitly including the files inclued by \include and \input commands
flatten A program to flatten a LaTeX root file by copying \input and \include files into the root file.
float Improves the interface for defining floating objects such as figures and tables
floatfig Allows text to be wrapped around figures.
floatflt Float text around figures and tables which do not span the full width of a page, improving upon floatfig, allowing tables/figures to be set left/right or alternating on even/odd pages.
fltpage Defines new environments for placing captions of tables and figures on the facing/following page.
fncychap This package provides six predefined chapter headings
fnpara Typeset footnotes in run-on paragraphs, instead of one above another.
foilhtml Provides integration between FoilTeX and LaTeX2HTML, adding sectioning commands and elements of logical formatting to FoilTeX and providing support for FoilTeX commands in LaTeX2HTML.
foiltex A LaTeX2e class for overhead transparencies
fontinst TeX macros for converting Adobe Font Metric files to TeX metric and virtual font format.
fontmisc Miscellaneous MetaFont input files.
fontname Karl Berry's scheme for naming fonts in TeX.
fonts Extra line and circle fonts for LaTeX.
fontsmpl Print a sample of a font.
footbib A package to put bibliographic references as footnotes.
footmisc Footnotes package for LaTeX capturing as package options much (if not all) of the functionality of the various other footnote packages.
footnpag Allows footnotes on individual pages to be numbered from 1, rather than being numbered sequentially through the document.
formats Prebuilt TeX format and MetaFont base files.
formlett Letters to multiple recipients.
formula Support for physical symbols, ensuring the same shape in text and math mode, including some predefined physical units.
fourtex A TeX environment for Win32
fp Provides an extensive collection of arithmetic operations for fixed point real numbers of high precision.
frankenstein The Frankenstein collection
freefonts A collection of fonts distributed with the GIMP.
freetype A free, full-featured TrueType rasterizer library.
french Style for French typography.
fribrief A LaTeX class for writing letters.
ftetx A TeX package for FTE (FTE = Folding Text Editor by Marko Macek) Adds a TeX menu system for FTE
ftn LaTeX document-style option to make footnotes available in any environment, except inside floats.
ftnright Footnotes in two column documents.
fullblck Used with the letter documentclass to set the letter in a fullblock style (everything at the left margin).
fullpict Full page pictures.
fundus Providing LaTeX access to various font families.
funnelweb A `Literate Programming' tool, which produces documentation for programs in TeX or LaTeX.
futhark Fonts for the Older Futhark script.

g-brief A document class for LaTeX2e
gb4e Government Binding styles.
genealogy A simple compilation of the genealogical symbols found in the `wasy' and `gen' font, essentially adding the male and female symbols to Knuth's `gen' font, and so avoiding loading two fonts when you need only genealogical symbols.
genmisc Miscellaneous small files for all formats, specific to the TeXLive CDROM.
gentl-gr A Modern Greek translation of Doob's Gentle Introduction to TeX.
geometry Provides an easy and flexible user interface to customize page layout, implementing auto-centering and auto-balancing mechanisms so that the users have only to give the least description for the page layout.
geomsty Provides: inclusion of PostScript figures, and of TeX text within figures; automatic creation of index entries and cross-references where appropriate; no need to worry about fragile commands in almost all situations; greater versatility in defining theorem-like environments; proofing aids such as version numbers and a running index.
german Support for German typography, supporting the new German orthography (neue deutsche Rechtschreibung).
germbib German variants of standard BibTeX styles.
germdoc No description available.
getrefs A BibTeX style file and a LaTeX document template to facilitate the retrieval of references from a library.
ghostscript Freely available Aladdin and GNU PostScript interpreters available for many platforms and also useful for conversion from PostScript to other formats, and particularly for printing to non-PostScript printers.
ghostview-mac Ghostview for CMacTeX to preview PostScript documents.
ghyphen Describes the different versions of German hyphenation support.
gleitobjekte The script of a tutorial held at the November 1997 DANTE meeting
gloss A glossary package modelled on BibTeX with \cite replaced by \gloss.
glosstex GlossTeX is a tool for the automatic preparation of glossaries, lists of acronyms and sorted lists in general for use with LaTeX and MakeIndex
gn-logic No description available.
gnhyph An experimental set of hyphenation patterns for the new German orthography (``neue deutsche Rechtschreibung'') currently being introduced.
gnuplot Generate almost any type of chart you wish and save it in LaTeX format or as EPS (or in any of a dozen other formats).
gnuplot-ps A package to faciliate the use of gnuplot pslatex output in LaTeX.
go Fonts and macros for typesetting go games.
gothic Gothic and ornamental initial fonts by Yannis Haralambous.
graphfig This package combines the tools of the graphic, subfigure and float packages in a way that makes their use simpler and more robust
graphics The primary LaTeX package for the support of the inclusion of graphics generally produced with other tools
graphicx Better support for graphics
graphpap For producing graph paper.
gray Fonts for gray scales.
greek6cbc A Greek font
grfguide Guide to using graphics in LaTeX, including documentation on various packages including color and graphicx.
grfpaste Provides an mechanism to include fragments of dvi files with the graphicx package: you can use \includegraphics to include dvi files
grnumalt A package which implements a numbering system used in ancient Athens, producing the `Athenian' numeral for any positive arabic numeral
grtimes Typeset Greek text with the Times New Roman Greek
gsftopk Primarily intended for use with xdvi and dvips this utility allows the use of PostScript fonts with xdvi.
gustlib Various small utility packages for typesetting in plain TeX, with a Polish perspective.

hands Pointing hand fonts.
hangcaption Defines a variant of the caption command to produce captions with hanging indentation.
hanging The hanging package facilitates the typesetting of hanging paragraphs
harpoon Extra harpoons, using the graphics package.
harvard The Harvard bibliography style family.
harvmac Paul Ginsparg's Harvard macros for scientific articles.
hellas A BibTeX style for typesetting databases that containing both Greek and non-Greek bibliographic records.
here Provides the H option for floats in LaTeX to mean that the float should really be placed here
hh Fancy boxing effects.
hhline Better horizontal lines in tabulars and arrays.
hilowres A package to simplify the inclusion of low resolution versions of high resolution images, if each pair of files have the same basename (e.g., bird.low.eps and bird.eps)
histogr Drawing histograms with the LaTeX picture environment.
hlatex Support for Korean documents written in Korean standard KSC codes for LaTeX2e.
hoekwater Fonts originally created in MetaFont, transformed to PostScript by Taco Hoekwater; includes logo, manfnt, rsfs, stmaryrd, wasy, wasy2, xipa.
hrhyph Hyphenation patterns for the Croatian language for use with T1 (and OT1) encoding as supported in DC fonts.
html Various TeX documentation converted to HTML.
html2latex The html2latex package compiled from the Unix sources version 0.9c with emx 0.9c fix 2 to run on DOS, Windows (3.x, 9x, NT), OS/2 Warp
huhyph Hyphenation patterns for the Hungarian language.
hvdashln Definitions of horizontal and vertical dashed lines for the array and tabular environment
hyper Redefines LaTeX cross-referencing commands to insert \special commands for HyperTeX dvi viewers, such as recent versions of xdvi.
hyperlatex A package that allows you to prepare documents in HTML and to produce a neatly printed document from your input using LaTeX
hyperref Support for HyperTeX drivers
hyphenat Disable/enable hypenation
hypht1 Additional hyphenation patterns which have to be loaded in conjunction with each ``normal'' set of patterns

ibm No description available.
idealfonts Consists of 2 files that might help Textures users: one to ease the use of the basic 35 Adobe fonts with the T1 font encoding with LaTeX; the other for people willing to automatically install that last LaTeX version under Textures.
ieeepes Allows typesetting of transactions, as well as discussions and closures, for the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions journals.
ifacmtg Elsevier Science preprint style for IFAC meetings.
ifthen Conditionals in LaTeX2e documents.
imac A set of files for producing correctly formatted documents for the International Modal Analysis Conference.
indentfirst Indent first paragraph after section header.
indxcite A package to automatically generate an Author Index based on citations made using BibTeX
info Documentation in GNU info form.
inhyph Hyphenation patterns for Bahasa Indonesia.
initials A special font (yinit) is defined to be used for initial dropped capitals.
inputenc Controlling input encoding.
insbox A TeX macro for inserting pictures/boxes into paragraphs.
ipa No description available.
isostds Class and package files for typesetting ISO International Standard documents
ithyph Italian hyphenation.
izhitsa Support for the old Russian font ``Izhitsa''

jadetex Macro package on top of LaTeX to typeset TeX output of Jade DSSSL implementation.
javatex A Java implementation of TeX.
jhep JHEP style
jknappen Miscellaneous macros, mostly for making use of extra fonts, by J\"org Knappen.
jsmisc Miscellaneous useful macros by Joachim Schrod.
jspell An ASCII file spelling checker.
jura A document class for German law students

kalendar A calendar style.
kalender Style file for creating a calendar; in German.
karnaugh Typeset Karnaugh-Veitch-maps.
kdgreek Greek fonts.
kix Implements KIX codes as used by the Dutch PTT for bulk mail addressing
kluwer A LaTeX2e class file for submissions of journal articles to Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
knst A package supporting the generation and correction of multiple option tests as appears in TUGBoat Volume 17, Number3: ``Fast and secure multiple option tests''.
knuth Knuth's own documentation, including the TeX book and the MetaFont book.
koi8 A package to perform internal translation from the KOI-8 encoding (de-facto standard of the UNIX world) to the so called ``alternative encoding'' used by most Cyrillic packages
koma-script A drop-in replacement for the article/report/book classes with emphasis on European rules of typography and paper formats as laid down by Jan Tschichold
kpathsea Path searching library for TeX-related files.
kuvio Drawing macros and fonts for diagrams.

labels Support for printing sheets of sticky labels (but could also be used for business cards)
lamstex A merge of the best in AMS-TeX and LaTeX.
lastpage Reference the number of pages in your LaTeX document (as in a page footer that says: Page N of M).
lated A graphical editor for drawings in the LaTeX ``picture'' environment
latex LaTeX is a (and probably the most) popular macro package for TeX, providing many basic document formating commands extended by many of the packages included in this current list.
latex209 The pre-1993 LaTeX, now no longer supported.
latex2e Documentation on LaTeX2e in OS/2 hypertext format and html.
latex2html A Perl program that translates LaTeX into HTML (HyperText Markup Language) creating separate HTML files corresponding to each unit (e.g., section) of the document.
latex2man A tool to translate UNIX manual pages written with LaTeX into a man-page format, HTML, or TexInfo.
latex2rtf Translates LaTeX text into RTF (Rich Text Format as used by Microsoft Word).
latexcad A CAD drawing package.
latexfonts No description available.
latexmk An excellent utility for Unix which deals with the task of running LaTeX the appropriate number of times to ensure cross-references, etc., are completely defined
latexn A csh script to run LaTeX as many times as needed (and hopefully no more) on a given file to resolve cross references, and to ensure that the table of contents and index (if any) are up-to-date.
latin2jk A definition file for the inputenc package, where all characters from IS=-8859-2 (Latin-2) are loaded as text characters
layout Produces an overview of the layout of the current document.
layouts Display various elements of a document's layout
leaflet A document class to create small hand-outs that fit on a single sheet of paper which is then folded twice, with a script to rearrange pages so that they print correctly (on a PostScript printer) on a single sheet.
leftidx This package enables left subscripts and superscripts in math mode
letter The standard LaTeX2e letter document class.
lettrine A package to typeset dropped capitals in various ways, typically those described in the French typographic books.
levy Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts.
lexikon Implements commands to generate a two language dictionary.
lgreek Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts.
lgrind Prepares various programming language source code (e.g., C, C plus plus, Pascal, BASIC, Modula-2, Fortran, RATFOR Yacc, PostScript, Prolog, MLisp, Icon, LaTeX, Perl, CSH Bourne Shell, assembler, 68000 assembler, asm68 VMS assembler, ISP, LDL, Linda, MODEL, MatLab, Russell) for pretty-printing within LaTeX.
lgrind-win32 A version of lgrind for Win32 systems.
lh The lh fonts for the `T2'/X2 encodings (for cyrillic languages).
lhcyr A collection of three LeTeX 2e styles intended for typesetting Russian and bilingual English-Russian documents: lhcyralt, lhcyrkoi, and lhcyrwin.
lilypond GNU LilyPond is a program which converts music definition files into visual or auditive output
lineno Adds line numbers to selected paragraphs with reference possible through the LaTeX \ref and \pageref cross reference mechanism.
linguex A package to facilitate the formatting of linguist examples, automatically taking care of example numbering, indentations, indexed brackets, and the ``*'' in grammaticality judgments.
lintex A C program that removes auxilliary TeX and LaTeX files that are usually not needed after a run (log, aux, dvi, files), and only if their modification time is more recent than the source.
lips Text ellipses that are better for text ellipses than \dots, by the standard of the Chicago Manual of Style.
listings A package for typesetting listings using LaTeX2e
lkort No description available.
llncs Document style for submissions to Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
localloc Macros for localizing TeX register allocations.
logic A MetaFont font for drawing logic diagrams.
logo-ps PostScript fonts for the logo font.
lollipop A new generation format.
longtable Support for tables longer than a page
losymbol Defines a lot of symbol macros.
lscape Place selected parts of a document in landscape
lshort-english A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e.
lshort-finnish Finnish version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e with an emphasis on Finnish typesetting rules.
lshort-french French version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e.
lshort-german German version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e.
lshort-mongolian Mongolian version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e.
lshort-polish Introduction to LaTeX in Polish
lshort-russian Russian version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e.
lshort-spanish Spanish version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e.
ltablex Modifies the tabularx environment to combine the features of the tabularx package (auto-sized columns in a fixed width table) with those of the longtable package (multi-page tables).
ltnews The latest LaTeX news.
ltoh A converter from LaTeX to HTML.
ltx2rtf A conversion program from LaTeX to Rich Text Format.
ltx2x A program to replace LaTeX commands by user-defined characters
ltxbase The core LaTeX.
ltxdoc Class for documented LaTeX2e classes.
ltxinput An MSDOS utility which recursively searches a file for input (and include) statements, writing a list of files which are input to stdout and to a batch file which sets an environmental variable LTXINPUT to point to this filelist
ltxmisc Miscellaneous LaTeX styles.
ltxsrc The core source files for LaTeX2e.
lucida Package to make Lucida Bright fonts usable with LaTeX.
lucold A package to switch the rendering of all the digits to the so-called ``old-style'' numbers, when using Lucida fonts
lw35nfsx LaTeX psnfss support for the 35 printer resident PostScript fonts using ly1 text font encoding, employing the Berry names
ly1 Support for LY1 LaTeX encoding, i.e

m-pictex Solves the `out of dimen' problem that somethimes occours when using PiCTeX (especially together with LaTeX).
macbibtex BibTeX for the Macintosh
magaz Magazine layout
mailing Macros for mail merging.
makeindex A general purpose hierarchical index generator; it accepts one or more input files (often produced by a text formatter such as TeX or troff), sorts the entries, and produces an output file which can be formatted
malayalam Fonts for typesetting Malayalam, with a pre-processor.
malvern A new sans-serif font family.
manyfoot Implements a command, \newfootnote, that adds footnote levels to the standard LaTeX's footnote mechanism
mapcodes Support for multiple character sets and encodings.
maple Styles and examples for the MAPLE newsletter.
maplems Export Maple worksheets to LaTeX2e.
margbib A package for displaying bibliography tags in the margins.
marvosym Martin Vogel's Symbol (marvosym) font is a font containing: the Euro currency symbol as defined by the European commission; Euro currency symbols in typefaces Times, Helvetica and Courier; Symbols fur structural engineering; Symbols for steel cross-sections; Astronomy signs (Sun, Moon, planets); The 12 signs of the zodiac; Scissor symbols; CE sign and others.
marvosym-mac A Macintosh version of the marvosym font
mathcmd Provides a slightly modified version of the commands for making integrals and sums
mathcomp A package which provides access to some interesting characters of the Text Companion fonts (TS1 encoding) in math mode.
mathematica Virtual TeX fonts that can be used with the PostScript fonts distributed with Mathematica 3.0
mathenv Defines some often useful math-mode environments
mathinst A script to create proper math fonts for use by TeX and LaTeX using one the family of Roman types and the raw math fonts (any of the commercial MathTime, Euler, or Lucida New Math fonts)
mathkit Creates math fonts that match outline fonts (Times Palatino, and others) for typesetting math with TeX.
mathpple A package to define the PostScript font family `Palatino' (ppl) as the default roman font and then uses the `mathpple' fonts for typesetting math
mathptm Extends the usage of the PostScript times fonts to the math environment.
mathrsfs Maths rsfs (Ralph Smith's Fancy Script) font support.
mathspad An XWindows WYSIWYG structure editor implementing stencils which define two views of a document, the on-screen view and the output view (which might be LaTeX, TeX, HTML, trof).
mathtime The Mathtime fonts have a number of characters remapped to positions different from the ones normally used by the corresponding TeX CM-fonts
mcite Support for collapsing multiple citations into one, as customary in physics journals.
mdwtools Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding
meta-mode A GNU Emacs Lisp package that implements a major mode for editing MetaFont or MetaPost sources
metapost A tool based on MetaFont for producing precise technical illustrations, creating scalable PostScript instead of bitmaps.
method Typeset method and variable declarations
mex MeX is an adaptation of Plain TeX and LaTeX209 formats to the Polish language and to the Polish printing customs
mf-ps A MetaFont package including: epstomf a tiny AWK script for converting EPS files into MF lingo; and mftoeps for generating (encapsulated) PostScript files readable, e.g., by CorelDRAW!, Adobe Illustrator and Fontographer
mf2pt3 Perl script to generate PostScript Type 3 fonts from MetaFont sources by processing MetaPost output.
mf2tex A package of macros in TeX and MetaFont which allows a user to easily add labels to MetaFont sources (text or mathematics)
mff A package to provide something similar to `multiple master' fonts, but using MetaFont; you specify a font by a set of MetaFont parameters, and TeX makes up an mf file to generate the required font; this package is not integrated with NFSS (or MakeTeXTFM) yet fun.
mflogo LaTeX interface for MetaFont and logo fonts
mfnfss Font description files to use extra fonts like yinit and ygoth.
mfpic Macros which generate MetaFont code for drawing pictures.
mftoeps Converts MF to EPS.
mhs No description available.
midnight A set of useful macro tools.
mif2xfig A tool to convert diagrams from Frame Maker's MIF format to XFig's format, and vice versa.
miktex TeX for Windows32
miktex-axp A port of MiKTeX to Windows-NT on the Alpha.
miniltx Part of the plain TeX graphics collection which allows the use of LaTeX's graphics, colour, and picture mode commands in plain TeX based formats.
minitoc Produce a table of contents for each chapter.
mirr A small header for making a mirror of dvipsed files.
miscpk No description available.
mitpress Support for MIT Press.
mkpic A Perl interface to mfpic making it possible to enter simple commands with tab separated arguments and without braces/brackets to design figures
mla A bibliography style for the Modern Language Association's manual of style.
mlbib Support for multilingual bibliographies.
mltex Support for MLTeX, the multilingual TeX extension from Michael J
mmtools Two tools for working with multiple master fonts: mmafm creates an AFM by interpolating at a given point in a multiple master's design space; mminstance creates a ``normal'' PFB font by interpolating at a given point in a multiple master's design space.
mnras Styles for the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
modes A collection of MetaFont mode_def's
monotype Font metrics, and macro support in LaTeX2e, for a large set of Monotype fonts.
monster Towards a more rational and modular LaTeX, by Matt Swift; a set of powerful tools.
montex MonTeX provides Mongolian support for LaTeX2e (now Cyrillic, but soon also Classical Mongolian).
moredefs A collection of defining, expansion, and debugging commands that support `elegant' programming in LaTeX.
morehelp A package to enhance LaTeX2e error messages by providing descriptions of the possible causes including those that may not be obvious
moresize A LaTeX2e package for using font sizes up to 35.88pt, for example with the new EC fonts
moreverb A verbatim mode that can handle TABs properly, can number lines, can number lines in an included file, can produce boxed verbatims, etc.
morse A package for printing Morse code signs.
mpattern A package for defining and using patterns in MetaPost, using the Pattern Color Space available in PostScript Level 2.
mpfnmark A package which provides the command \mpfootnotemark, which can be used in the same way as \footnotemark
ms Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schr\"oder.
mslapa LaTeX and BibTeX style files for a respectably close approximation to APA (American Psychological Association) citation and reference style.
mt11p A package to use the MathTime and MathTimePLUS (``MathTime complete'') fonts in LaTeX2e
mtbe Examples from Mathematical TeX by Example by Arvind Borde.
multenum Multi-column enumerated lists.
multicol A package to intermix single and multiple columns
multido A loop facility for Generic TeX.
multirow Creates tabular cells spanning multiple rows
multitoc A LaTeX package which automatically sets only the table of contents, list of figures and list of tables in two or more columns
musicref Reference page for musictex.
musictex Typesetting music with TeX.
musixtex Extended MusicTeX, with better slurs.
mxedruli Georgian fonts including the xedruli Alphabet and the Xucuri-Alphabet.
mylatex MyLaTeX.
myletter Another letter package.

nassflow Drawing Nassi-Schneidermann diagrams.
natbib A bibliography style that handles author-year and numbered references.
nb4latex A program to convert NotaBene4 (including ancient Greek and all the symbols of logic) files to LaTeX format
nccfoots Implements commands for generating footnotes marked by hands
ncctools Various LaTeX packages written and supported by Alexander Rozhenko.
netpbm-win Windows port of the netpbm graphics suite
newalg Format algorithms like Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest.
newlfm Write letters, facsimilies, and memos
newsletr Macros for making newsletters.
newthm A modified version of the theorem-style which provides generation of lists of theorems
niceframe Support for fancy framing of pages.
noindent A locally developed style to inhibit all indentation.
nomencl Nomenclature
norbib Norwegian adaptions of the four standard BibTeX style files.
nrc Macros to prepare submissions for the NRC Canadian Journal of Physics.
ntemacs A distribution of Emacs for Win32 machines
ntg Dutch TeX Users Group information.
ntgclass Versions of the standard LaTeX article and report classes, rewritten to reflect a more European design, by the Dutch TeX Users Group.
ntheorem Enhancements for theorem-like environments: easier control of layout; proper placement of endmarks even when the environment ends with \end{enumerate} or \end{displaymath} (including support for amsmath displayed-equation environments); and support for making a list of theorems like \listoffigures.
numline Macros for numbering lines.

objectz Macros for typesetting Object Z.
oca OCR font.
ocr-a Fonts for OCR-A.
ocr-b Fonts for OCR-B.
ogham Fonts for typesetting Ogham script.
ogonek Support for Polish typography and the ogonek.
oldstyle Font information needed to load the cmmi and cmmib fonts for use to produce oldstyle numbers.
omega Omega.
omegabase Basic support files for Omega.
omegafonts Omega fonts.
onepagem If the document has only one page, omit page number
oryia Typesetting the Oriya script using TeX.
os2tex A distribution of TeX for OS/2 Warp.
osmanian Osmanian fonts by Alan Stanier for writing Somali.
ot2cyr Macros to use the OT2 Cyrillic encoding.
overcite Supports compressed, sorted lists of superscript numerical citations.
overpic The overpic environment is a cross between the LaTeX picture environment and the \includegraphics command of graphicx
overword Provides two macros which can be used as building blocks for the parsing of text
oxford A BibTeX style of citations for the humanities
oztex An excellent version of TeX for the Macintosh.
oztex-german German version of oztex.

pacioli Fonts designed by Fra Luca de Pacioli in 1497
pagedraw A free vector-graphics program capable of creating EPS files suitable for inclusion in TeX documents.
pageno A LaTeX package that can re-define the plain page style under the control of options, so you can have page numbers: at the top or bottom of the page; in the inside corner, outside corner, or in the middle
pandey Support for the Bengali language.
pandora The Pandora font family.
paper A class derived from article, tuned for producing papers for journals
paradissa Free TeX fonts in PostScript () format
paralist Provides enumerate and itemize environments that can be used within paragraphs and format the items either as running text or as separate paragraphs with a preceding number or symbol.
parallel Provides a parallel environment which allows two columns of text to be typeset
patch Macros for package management.
path A LaTeX package to break long strings at convenient places
pawpict Using graphics from PAW
pb-diagram A diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts.
pbmtogf Convert pbm images to gf font files
pcfonts Support for Hebrew.
pdcmac Damian Cugley's macro tools.
pdfscreen Support screen-based document design
pdftex An extension of TeX which directly generates PDF documents instead of DVI
pdftex-djgpp A PDFTeX executable compiled with DJGPP v.2.01, to be used with the DJGPP v.2.01 port of web2c for DOS and Windows 95.
permute A package for symmetric groups, allowing you to input, output, and calculate with them.
pf2afm A PostScript program for geberating missing AFM files from PFB/PFA and (optionally) PFM font files.
phoenician Fonts for the semitic script in use from about 1600 BC
phonetic MetaFont Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern.
phppcf A BibTeX style derived from apalike with author names in all caps.
physe PHYSE format.
phyzzx A TeX format for physicists.
picinpar Insert pictures into paragraphs
picins Insert pictures into paragraphs.
pictex Picture drawing macros for (\La)TeX.
piff Macro tools by Mike Piff.
piq MetaFont package for the Klingon language with okuda orthography.
pkfind The TDS standard specifies that pk and gf files contain \special strings to identify the contents of pk and gf files
pl Literate Programming for Prolog with LaTeX.
pl-mf Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts in MF sources.
pl-qx LaTeX support for extra Polish fonts (Antyktor etc.).
plain The plain.sty package defines an environment which allows plain TeX commands in LaTeX.
plainmisc Miscellaneous useful macros for plain TeX.
plaintex Basic Plain TeX macros.
plari A document class for typesetting stageplay scripts.
platex Tools to typeset documents in Polish using LaTeX2e with Polish fonts (so-called PL fonts), EC fonts, and CM fonts.
play Typeset plays
plcalendar Plain macros for making nice calendars.
plfonts Polish fonts.
plgraph LaTeX graphics package with wrapper to allow it to be used with generic plain TeX.
plpatch No description available.
plpsfont Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts, PL fonts in PostScript format
pmcstex A macro package that implements many (em)TeX related features for the OS/2 EPM editor
pmgraph A set of extensions to LaTeX picture environment, including a wider range of vectors, and a lot more box frame styles.
poligraf Page preparation for prepress, color separation, crop-marks, color and gray scale bars, booklet preparation, etc.
polish General TeX and LaTeX documentation in Polish.
polyglot A package for LaTeX2e multilingual support.
ppchtex A package that can be used to typeset chemical formulas
prelim2e Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a document.
prettyref Additional functionality for the LaTeX2e label--reference mechanism allowing the ``preformat'' of all types of labels
progkeys The file `programs.sty' is intended to allow a parameterized way of typesetting programs with TeX/LaTeX commands inside
program Typesetting programs and algorithms.
proofs Macros for building proof trees.
protex Literate programming package.
prv A Perl script for compiling, previewing, and printing LaTeX documents
ps_conv A PostScript program for converting one-page PostScript files into and EPS (encapsulated PostScript) files acceptable by CorelDRAW!(R), Adobe Illustrator(TM) and Fontographer(R).
ps_view A PostScript preamble providing an interactive environement for fast previewing of PostScript documents with GhostScript, enabling scaling rotation, grids, printing specified pages, on-line help etc.
psboxit Enables one to put a PostScript drawing behind a TeX box
psfig No description available.
psfixbb Computes the BoundingBox of a PostScript file settin the BoundingBox comment in the file accordingly, using GhostScript, pnmfile and pnmcrop.
psfont Intended as a replacement for psfonts of psnfss, psfont uses one file for redefining all default fonts instead of one file for each font
psfonts PostScript fonts for use with TeX and LaTeX.
psfrag Allows LaTeX constructions (equations, picture environments, etc.) to be precisely superimposed over Encapsulated PostScript figures, using your own favorite drawing tool to create an EPS figure and placing simple text ``tags'' where each replacement is to be placed, with PSfrag automatically removing these tags from the figure and replacing them with a user specified LaTeX construction, properly aligned, scaled, and/or rotated.
psizzl A TeX format from SLAC.
pslatex A small package that makes LaTeX default to `standard' PostScript fonts
psmerge Concatenate PostScript files as long as they have been generated by the same program (e.g., generated by dvips).
psnfss Font definition files, macros and font metrics for common PostScript fonts.
psnfssx Extra styles and encodings for PS fonts, including Y\&Y encoding support.
pspicture Replacement for core LaTeX picture macros to use PostScript \special commands.
pstotext A free (but copyright) Unix program that extracts ASCII text from PostScript and PDF (Acrobat) files
pstricks An extensive collection of PostScript macros that is compatible with most TeX macro packages, including Plain TeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and AMS-LaTeX
psutils Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents, including page selection and rearrangement, resizing the page, arrangement into signatures for booklet printing, and page merging for n-up printing
punk Donald Knuth's punk font

qfig A DOS graphics program to generates output for PicTeX and epic.
qfonts Public domain Adobe fonts including Quasi-Palladio (regular, italic, bold and bold italic), based on URW's Palladio, and Quasi-Times.
qobitree LaTeX macros for typesetting trees.
qsymbols For defining systematic mnemonic abbreviations, starting with ` for math symbols and \" for arrows, from the amssymb and stmaryrd packages.
quotchap A package for creating decorative chapter headings with quotations, a PostScript output device and the psnfss package are needed, the color package and a greyscale output device are recommended.
quotes A package to automatically translate the character \" to `` or '' so that opening and closing quotes are correctly produced.

r-und-s This package decodes the german `R- und S-S\"atze', which are numerically coded security advice for chemical substances into plain text
ragged Provides any TeX format (including LaTeX) with `raggedleft' and `raggedcenter' formatting of paragraphs while maintaining full control of hyphenation and degree of raggedness.
ragged2e A LaTeX package which defines new commands \Centering, \RaggedLeft, and \RaggedRight and new environments Center, FlushLeft, and FlushRight, which set ragged text and are easily configurable to allow hyphenation.
rail A C program and LaTeX package to draw syntax diagrams specified in EBNF.
rangecite Will turn a range of citations into something like [1..3].
rawfonts A LaTeX2e package providing emulation of LaTeX 2.09 documents which used low-level font commands such as \tenrm.
rawprint A package for ``quick and dirty'' printing of raw (i.e., non-TeX) Russian texts by persons who do not have Russian printer fonts (but have Cyrillic TeX)
rcs Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents.
rcsinfo Support for the revision control system
realcalc Macros for real arithmetic calculations.
recipe A LaTeX2e class file to typeset recipes.
refcheck Intended to check references in a document, looking for numbered but unlabelled equations, for labels which are not used in the text, for unused bibliography references
refman Variant report and article styles.
relenc LaTeX package providing a relaxed font encoding to make available to a font designer more slots for insertion of ligatures and accented characters.
relsize Set the font size relative to the current font size.
remreset \@removefromreset is a companion to the standard \@addtoreset command which allows counters to be removed from the reset list of a controlling counter.
repeat A really general loop macro, which can be nested to arbitrary depth without any grouping or such.
revnum Provides a reverse-enumerate environment where all items are numbered in reverse order.
revtex Styles for American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, and Optical Society of America
rlepsf A macro package for use with epsf.tex which allows PostScript labels in an eps file to be replaced by TeX labels.
rmpage A package to help change page layout parameters in LaTeX
romaniantex A LaTeX2e package for type-setting Romanian in a multi-lingual TeX environment.
romanneg Roman Neg.
rotating A package built on the standard LaTeX graphics package to perform all the different sorts of rotation one might like, including complete figures and tables and captions.
rotfloat Rotate floats.
rplain Redefines the `plain' pagestyle
rsfs Contains MetaFont sources for fonts of uppercase script letters for use as symbols in scientific and mathematical typesetting, in contrast to the informal script fonts such as that used for the `calligraphic' symbols in the TeX math symbol font.
rsfs-ps Converted (PostScript) outlines of the rsfs fonts.
ruhyphen A collection of Russian hyphenation patterns supporting a number of Cyrillic font encodings, including T2, UCY (Omega Unicode Cyrillic), LCY, LWN (OT2), and koi8-r.
ruler A ruler for TeX.
runic Fonts for Anglo-Saxon futharc script

s2latex A scribe to LaTeX converter
saferef Provides a means of expressing `typed' references (as it were) within a document.
sanskrit A font and pre-processor suitable for the production of documents written in Sanskrit.
sauter Extensions to the CM fonts, providing a parameterization scheme to build fonts at true design sizes.
sauterfonts A package providing font definition files (plus a replacement for the package exscale) to access many of the fonts in Sauter's (Knappen's, Holin's) collection
scale A package to scale a document by sqrt(2) (or by \magstep{2})
scalefnt \scalefont{2} selects the current font in twice the current size
schedule A package intended to automatically format weekly schedules using LaTeX's picture environment
script Variant report / book styles.
section Sections?
sectsty A LaTeX2e package to help change the style of any or all of LaTeX's sectional headers in the article, book, or report classes
semantic Eases the typesetting of notation of semantics and compilers
seminar Produce overhead slides (transparencies) with bells and whistles.
setspace Support for double, one-and-a-half, and other line spacings based on pt size.
sfg Defines some commands to draw signal flow graphs as used by electrical and electronics engineers and graph theorists.
sfheaders Print part/chapter/section headers with the sans-serif font of the current family in the the standard book/report/article document classes.
shadbox A tool to shade the background of any box -- text, figure, table etc
shadethm Package that allows declarations of the form \newshadetheorem{thm}{Theorem} or \newshadetheorem{}[]{} or \newshadetheorem{}{}[] to produce shaded boxes from the usual command \begin{theorem} \ldots \end{theorem}
shading A LaTeX Style file for putting text on a shaded background
shadow Shadows.
shalom A package intended for simple documents with some Hebrew (using some words, an address, a short abstract, without fussing around with TeX--\Xet, hebrew screen fonts or keyboard encodings).
shapepar A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes.
shhyphl Serbo-croat hyphenation written in the latin alphabet.
shortlst Provides four environments for typesetting lists of short items which may be layout horizontally as well.
shorttoc A package to create another table of contents with a different depth, useful in large documents where a detailed table of contents should be accompanied by a shorter one, giving only a general overview of the main topics in the document.
showdim A package for LaTeX providing a number of commands for printing the value of a TeX dimension
showkeys Show label, ref, cite and bib keys.
showlabels Show label commands in the margin.
siam Styles for SIAM publications.
sidecap Defines environments called SCfigure and SCtable (analogous to figure and table) to typeset captions sideways
siggraph Document class for formatting papers according to the specifications for submission to the annual ACM Siggraph conference.
simpsons MetaFont source for Simpsons characters.
sinhala Support for thr sinhala language.
sirlin A set of files for typing the Tibetan language in TeX or LaTeX.
siunits A package to typeset physical units following the rules of the International System of Units (SI).
slashbox Draw an oblique (slash) line in a `tabular' column in LaTeX.
slashed A package to put / through characters, for the Physicist's `Feynman slashed character' notation.
slemph Provides the commands \itswitch, \slswitch, \textitswitch, and \textslswitch.
slidenotes A class package for the easy production of a slide collection with annotations
slides This is a standard LaTeX2e class for the production of overhead transparencies (foils), replacing the older SliTeX format
smallcap Support for all 4 shapes of small caps in DC1.3 where SC becomes a family, rather than a shape (\scshape is replaced by \scfamily)
smartmn This package activates the minus sign such that it guesses whether to print as a hyphen or as minus sign in text mode (which is one of the most common typografical errors in LaTeX texts).
sober Reduces the amount of white space on the page
sobolev Provides commands which are useful when dealing with Hilbert and Sobolev spaces (which occours very often, for example, in numerical analisys)
somedefs A programmer's toolkit package for use by package writers supporting the provision of options which switch definitions contained in a package on and off through package options
songbook Package for typesetting song lyrics.
sorhyph Upper sorbian hyphenations patterns.
soul Provides hyphenateable spacing out (letterspacing), underlining, striking out, etc., using the TeX hyphenation algorithm to find the proper hyphens automatically
spanish Various TeX related files for typesetting documents written in Spanish, including hyphenation and dictionaries.
spanishb A Spanish style using babel.
sphack Change bsphack/esphack so that it is invisible in vertical mode.
sprite Macros to set bitmaps with TeX.
ssqquote LaTeX package and font definition file to access the `cmssq' fonts, i.e
startex A TeX format designed to help students write short reports and essays
stdclsdv The stdclsdv package is designed for package writers who need to know what sectioning divsions are provided by the document's class
stmaryrd St Mary Road symbols for functional programming.
stmaryrd-ps Converted (PostScript) outlines of the stmaryrd fonts.
subeqn Package for subequation numbering.
subeqnarray Equation array with sub numbering.
subfigure Figures divided into subfigures.
supertabular A multi-page tables package
swift Miscellaneous macros by Matt Swift.
syngen A tool for generating syntax diagrams from BNF\@
syntonly Implements the \syntaxonly declaration used for running a document through LaTeX without actually getting any output.
synttree A package to typeset syntactic trees such as those used in Chomsky's Generative grammar, based on a description of the structure of the tree.

t2 No description available.
tabbing A package offering a variant of the tabbing environment which allows accented letters.
tabls Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays (tabular lineskip).
tabularx Tabulars that widen automatically.
tap An advanced, however easy table package
taylor Diagram macros by Paul Taylor.
tbe Examples from Arvind Borde's TeX by Example.
tcvn A package for vietnamese TCVN encoding which is widely used in Windows applications.
tcx No description available.
tds The TeX Directory Structure documentation.
techexplorer A plugin for Netscape which allows you to view TeX and LaTeX source files in Netscape as if you were using a dvi viewer, available for Windows 95/NT, Sun Solaris, SGI IRIX, and IBM AIX.
tengwar Font for typesetting Tolkien Tengwar script, by Michael Urban.
tensind A package for typesetting tensors, with dots filling gaps and fine tuning of index placement.
tensor A package which allows the user to set tensor-style super and subscripts with offsets between successive indices.
termcal This package is intended to print a term calendar for use in planning a class
testmath Examples of the AMS-LaTeX package.
tetex A TeX distribution for Unix/Linux
tex-math A summary of TeX-commands used to create mathematical formulae (and certain other special characters)
tex-ps TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons: transformations of EPS files, prepress preparation, color separation, mirror, etc.
tex2bib Converts bibitems embedded in a document to bib format
tex2html A commercial converter from TeX to html without gifs, using the resident symbol font and very clever HTML code.
tex2ltx Useful for converting plain TeX (AMS) files into AMS-LaTeX and convert plain AMS-TeX bibliographic references into BibTeX.
tex2rtf Translates LaTeX text into RTF (Rich Text Format used by Microsoft Word), into Windows Help RTF, into HTML and into wxHelp
tex4ht A converter from TeX and LaTeX to hypertext (HTML, XML, etc.), provide a configurable (\La)TeX-based authoring system for hypertext.
tex98 The 1998 cycle of changes to TeX from Knuth.
texdraw Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.
texed A TeX shell for OS/2, FSS-TeXEdit provides an easy interface for LaTeX2e, dvips, GhostScript and ispell.
texi2html Converts TeXinfo to HTML.
texi2www Converts texinfo to display on the Web.
texinfo Texinfo documentation system
texip Macros from TeX in Practice.
texlist Typeset program (or ASCII text file) listings
texperf A WordPerfect to LaTeX conversion program.
texshell32 A free TeXShell for Windows 95 and NT
texsis A Plain TeX macro package along the lines of LaTeX
texsk Simple LaTeX drawing program for OS/2 PM
text1 TeX format from the University of Washington.
textcase \MakeTextUppercase and \MakeTextLowercase are similar to the standard \MakeUppercase and \MakeLowercase, but they do not change the case of any sections of mathematics within the argument.
textcomp Supports the Text Companion fonts which provide many text symbols (such as baht, bullet, copyright, musicalnote, onequarter, section, and yen) in the TS1 encoding.
textfit Package to support fitting of text to a given width or height by scaling the font.
textmerg Merge text in TeX and LaTeX
textoolspro A small set of utilities for doing documenation in LaTeX intended mainly for programmers
textpos Place boxes absolutely
tfmpk A viewer for tfm and pk font files.
theorem Enhancements to the theorem environments, giving more choice in theorem layout.
thesis A class for producing a thesis based on the report class for a more European and more flexible look
threed 3D animations
threeparttable Tables with captions and notes all the same width.
thumb Thumb marks in documents
thumbpdf Thumbnails for pdfTeX
tiff The tiff graphics package.
tiff2ps A PostScript program for converting TIFF files to EPS
time Defines a macro \now to print the current time.
times A package to use PostScript Times Roman as the default font.
timesht Package for typesetting time sheets.
timing Fonts and macro package for drawing timing diagrams.
tipa Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters.
titlefoot Provides the capability of adding keywords (with a \keywords command), a running title (\runningtitle), AMS subject classifications (\amssubj), and an ``authors footnote'' as footnotes to the title or first page of a document
titleref Cross-reference titles of sections and floats with caprions just like \ref and \pageref.
titles Various macros for handling the titles of books, journals, etc
titlesec Select alternative section titles
titletoc A companion for titlesec handling toc/lof/lot entries.
tkbibtex A portable editor and browser for BibTeX files
tmview A SVGA-lib based DVI-previewer offering xdvi-like anti-aliasing, text-string searching, arbitrary-zooming, bookmarks, some of the hypertex features.
tocbibind Automatically adds the bibliography and/or the index and/or the contents, etc., to the Table of Contents listing.
tocloft Provides control over the typography of the Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables
tocvsec2 Provides control over sectional numbering (without recourse to starred sectional commands) and/or the entries in the Table of Contents on a section by section basis.
toil Type One Install utiLity which facilitates installation of Adobe fonts for TeX; significantly enhancing the capabilities of the obsolete AFMTOMF program.
tools Standard LaTeX2e tools, for extended tabular, verbatim and theorem support.
topcapt Defines a command \topcapt which does the same as caption, except that it places itself correctly when put above the figure/table that it's a caption of.
tracking Automatically adjust spaces between symbols in words or phrases to fit them into a specified length
trans Macros for easy transformations of PostScript objects, scaling, rotation, etc.
transfig Tanslates figures generated by xfig to a large variety of formats.
treesvr Tree macros.
treetex Allows the automatic layout of n-ary trees with arbitrary node sizes in LaTeX, using an external C program to do much of the hard work.
truncate Truncate text to a specified width.
tsconfig The tsconfig program tries to make the confguration of the TeXShell by J
ttf2mf A Windows program which is intended to convert Windows True Type fonts to MetaFont format.
ttf2pk This tool rasterizes the glyph outlines of a TrueType font into a bitmap font in PK format
ttf2tfm Extracts the metric and kerning information of a TrueType font and converts it into metric files usable by TeX (quite similar to afm2tfm which is part of the dvips package).
ttftogf Convert Windows True Type fonts to GF format.
tth A TeX to HTML translator.
tth-rpm The TeX to HTML translator for RedHat Linux.
tth-win TeX-to-HTML converter for win32.
ttt A Tibetan Transcript Transliterator for LaTeX.
tubtoc Tables of contents from TUGBoat
tugboat LaTeX macros for TUGboat articles.
tugboat-toc The complete accumulation of TUGboat tables of contents.
twg-list A list of the currently active Technical Working Groups of the TeX User Group.
twoup Print two virtual pages on each physical page
type1 Public domain PostScript fonts, including the URW fonts distributed with Ghostscript.
type1cm A package that removes the restriction when using scalable versions of the cm fonts ( Bakoma, or versions from BSR/Y\&Y, or True Type versions from Kinch, PCTeX, etc.) where LaTeX restricts the cm fonts to discrete sizes.
typearea Set page margins.
typehtml Typeset HTML (i.e., World Wide Web documents) directly from LaTeX
typespec Creates a type specimen page with useful information about the typeface.

uaclasses This package provides a LaTeX2e document class named `ua-thesis' for typesetting theses and dissertations in the official format required by the University of Arizona
ucthesis A modified version of the standard LaTeX report style that is accepted for use with University of California PhD dissertations and Masters theses.
ukhyph Hyphenation patterns for British English
ulem Package for underlining
ulsy Extra mathematical characters.
umlaute An interface to inputenc for using alternate input encodings.
umrand Package for page frames.
underlin Package for underlining
underscore Make ``_'' print as \textunderscore in text.
uni The Universal font
uniqleaf Check filesystem tree (or union of several trees) for unique leaf names; useful for spotting ambiguities that path-searching programs could trip over
units Includes two packages for typesetting fractions and physical units.
universa An implemnatation of Herbert Bayers `universal' font, with LaTeX support.
unsupported MetaFont sources from Knuth, unsupported.
url A form of \verb that allows linebreaks at certain characters or combinations of characters, accepts reconfiguration, and can usually be used in the argument to another command
urw Font metrics, and macro support in LaTeX2e, for free URW fonts.
urwstd No description available.
urwvf A collection of virtual fonts generated with fontinst 1.6, that provide the fonts which URW has made available under the GNU License: Antiqua, Grotesk, Nimbus and Nimbus Sans, (and which are available as raw fonts urw) in OT1, T1, 8r and OT4 encodings, to be used with LaTeX2e.
ut-backref A version of bachref which adds to bibliography entries an entry saying where this particular reference was cited.
ut-thesis University of Toronto thesis style.
utorontothesis A LaTeX2e thesis class definition for University of Toronto.
utthesis LaTeX package for preparation of a thesis that meets the requirements of the Graduate School of the University of TeXas at Austin.
uwthesis University of Washington thesis style.

varioref Intelligent page references.
vdm Typesetting VDM schemas.
vector Macros for more convenient representation of vectors in LaTeX2e, both symbolically and as implicit or explicit rows/columns of elements.
verbatim A better verbatim environment.
vertex Styles for economics working papers and journals.
vfcomb A system to support the writers of virtual fonts; this is written in Turbo Pascal, and sources are included.
vfinst A set of scripts and Perl files which aim to make the installation of families of PostScript fonts and creation of necessary virtual fonts outline fonts `virtually' automatic
viiptart An article-like document class which is 7pt rather then 10pt.
vita This class provides necessary macros to prepare your Curriculum Vitae or Resume.
vmargin Provides a macro to set various margins as well as dimensions for header/footer and page dimensions
vncmr A Vietnamese extension of the cmr fonts
vrb Verbatim macros via plain TeX.
vrsion Defines a command which produces a version number in the dvi-file when LaTeX is run.
vruler A package for adding a vertical numbering to the general text so that the text can be properly referenced

warpcol Defines a tabular column type for formatting numerical columns in LaTeX
wasy The wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts).
wasy-ps Converted (PostScript) outlines of the wasy fonts.
wasy2 The wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts).
wasy2-ps Converted (PostScript) outlines of the wasy fonts.
wasysym Makes some additional characters available that come from the wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts)
web2c The ``standard'' source C version of the TeX sysmtem
web2c-win32 Web2c for win32, including a complete collection of TeX related executables.
williams Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams.
win95-guide An installation-guide for a complete TeX-System consisting of MiKTeX, WinEdt and GhostView.
windvi No description available.
winedt A full-featured text editor and Shell for Windows95 (and Windows NT or Windows 3.x), allowing the editting of large, multiple, text files in the usual Windows95 way, using a Multiple Documents Interface (MDI) and following or extending the Windows' Standards in every respect, and supporting (LaTeX) Syntax Highlighting and Input/Output ASCII Code Translation Tables with a comprehensive context-sensitive Help.
winemtex A full emTeX distribution for Windows98 including GhostScript and WinEdit and preconfigured to work with TeX.
winshell A graphical user interface for interacting with TeX on Win32 systems
wmf2eps A program to simplify Windows Metafile Graphics (WMF) containing either vector-images or bitmaps into Encapsulated PostScript format having tight bounding-boxes (WinNT and Win95) at exactly the same size as the WMF-originals.
wnri MetaFont fonts for Old English, Indic languages in transcription, and American Indian languages.
wntamil Fonts (MetaFont) and support for Tamil, created at the University of Washington.
word2x A word 6 to anything converter, currently supporting output formats in text and LaTeX.
wp-conv A list (in HTML format) of packages for converting between LaTeX and TeX documents and a variety of other formats including RTF, Word, and Wordperfect.
wp2latex Convert WordPerfect documents into LaTeX.
wrapfig Produces figures which text can flow around
wsuipa Style for using International Phonetic Alphabet fonts.
wtex95 A flexible, 32-bit Windows-TeX-editor with Highlight-O-Matic syntax-highlighting.

xarticle A class that allows use of 7pt, 8pt and 9pt style options
xcomment Allows selected environments to be included/excluded.
xdvi A dvi previewer for the X Window System.
xdvik A (now standard) variant of xdvi with recursive searching for font files in subdirectories.
xfig A menu-driven tool that allows the user to draw and manipulate objects interactively in an X window
xr References to other LaTeX documents.
xspace Define commands that don't eat spaces.
xtab An extended version of supertabular to automatically break tables accross pages.
xtcapts Defining language-dependent text macros.
xtem An X11 TeX menu built on Tcl/Tk
xymtex Typesetting chemical structures.
xypic A package for typesetting a variety of graphs and diagrams with TeX

yannisgr Greek fonts by Yannis Haralambous.
yfonts A LaTeX interface to the old-german fonts designed by Yannis Haralambous: Gotisch, Schwabacher, Fraktur and the baroque initials.
yhmath Extended maths fonts for LaTeX.
yi4latex Package to provide support in LaTeX for writing all standardized Yi characters
yinit A special font (yinit) is defined to be used for initial dropped capitals.
youngtab A package for typesetting Young-Tableaux, mathematical symbols for the representations of groups, providing two macros, \yng(#1) and \young(#1) to generate the whole Young-Tableaux.
yplan99 Print a vertical-type daily planner (i.e., months along the top, days downwards), with each 6-month period fitting onto a single A4 (or US letter) sheet.
ytex Macro package developed at MIT.

zed-csp Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications.
zefonts Virtual T1 encoded Computer Modern fonts based on (OT1) Computer Modern, Times, and Helvetica fonts, intended to simulate `dc' fonts