Dear LLNCS user, Finally I mangaged to set up the long awaited beta test files for the new LaTeX2e document class for Lecture Notes in Coputer Science of Springer-Verlag. Again I apologize for the delay and thank you for your persevering patience. You can fetch yourself the files of the beta test from our ftp server (IP#: Make an anonymous ftp connection and CD to the directory /pub/tex/latex/llncs/beta You will find the following files: llncs.cls the LaTeX2e document class llncs.dem the sample input file llncs.toc the TOC file of the demo llncs.ind an external (faked) author index file subjidx.ind subject index demo from the Springer book package llncs.log the TeX .log file llncs.aux the auxiliary file llncs.dvi the resultig DVI file olddoc.dvi DVI file of the LaTeX 2.09 package (remember to transfer the DVI files in binary mode) The new class loads the standard article class as one of its first actions and modifies it to the needs of LNCS. You should refrain from using a size option such as 11pt or 12pt as this will collide with some internal settings that are not varying. The documentation unfortunately is not yet complete. But syntax is not that different to the elder LaTeX 2.09 LLNCS package. For exact usage please refer to the demo file llncs.dem. One major difference is the way you use the builtin and define your own new theorem like environments. The old LLNCS style had a major bug in this engine (thanks to Gernot Salzer for pointing this out). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \section{Defining your Own Lemma-like Environments} We have changed the syntax of the commands \verb|\newtheorem| and \verb|\newtheorem*| used to define additional environments. \verb|\newtheorem| can be used in two ways. \subsection{Method 1} \begin{verbatim} \newtheorem{}{}[] {}{} \end{verbatim} \noindent This defines a new environment \verb|| which prints the caption \verb|| in the font \verb|| and the text itself in the font \verb||. The environment is numbered beginning anew with every new section unless you specify something else with the optional parameter \verb||. \medskip\noindent \paragraph{Example} \leavevmode \medskip \verb|\newtheorem{joke}{Joke}[subsection]{\bf}{\rm}| \medskip \noindent defines a new environment called \verb|joke| which prints the caption {\bf Joke} in boldface and the text in roman. The jokes are numbered starting from 1 at the beginning of every subsection with the number of the subsection preceding the number of the joke e.g. 7.2.1 for the first joke in subsection 7.2. \subsection{Method 2} Sometimes you will want to create an environment that shares its counter with another environment, say {\it main theorem\/} to be numbered like a {\it theorem\/}. In this case, use the syntax \begin{verbatim} \newtheorem{}[]{} {}{} \end{verbatim} \noindent Here the environment with which the new environment should share its counter is specified with the optional argument \verb|[]|. \paragraph{Sample Input} \begin{verbatim} \newtheorem{mainth}[theorem]{Main Theorem}{\bf}{\it} \begin{theorem} The early bird gets the worm. \end{theorem} \begin{mainth} The early worm gets eaten. \end{mainth} \end{verbatim} \medskip\noindent {\em Sample Output} \smallskip \noindent {\bf Theorem 1.3.3.}\enspace {\em The early bird gets the worm.} \medskip\noindent {\bf Main Theorem 1.3.4.} The early worm gets eaten. \subsection{Unnumbered Environments} If you wish to have an unnumbered environment, please use the syntax \smallskip \verb|\newtheorem*{}{}{}{}| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Please feel free to send in suggestions and comments about the class to my e-mail address - see signature below. Hopefully the new class will help you in writing interesting articles for the series. Frank Holzwarth e-mail Internet: HOLZWARTH@ALPHA.NTP.SPRINGER.DE Springer-Verlag Dept. New Technologies/Product Development Tiergartenstrasse 17 D-69121 Heidelberg FRG