@TechReport{Esc98, author = "Escardo, M.H.", title = "Injective spaces and the filter monad", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh", year = 1998, number = "ECS-LFCS-98-383", note = "\newline\verb+http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/lfcsreps/EXPORT/98/ECS-LFCS-98-383/index.html+", filename = {top97} } @InProceedings{Esc97c, author = {Escardo, M.H.}, title = {Injective spaces via the filter monad}, booktitle = {12th Summer Conference on General Topology and its Applications}, pages = {97--110}, year = 1997, editor = {M. Tuncali and J. Sutherland}, volume = 22, number = 2, series = {Topology Proceedings}, publisher = {Auburn University}, note = {\verb+http://at.yorku.ca/b/a/a/a/00.htm+}, filename = {filtersnorthbay2} } @InProceedings{PE98, author = "Pavlovic, D. and Escardo, M.H.", title = "Calculus in Coinductive Form", year = 1998, pages = {408--417}, booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science", filename = {lics98} } @TechReport{Esc97b, author = "Escardo, M.H.", title = "{PCF} extended with real numbers: A domain-theoretic approach to higher-order exact real number computation", institution = "Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh", year = 1997, number = "ECS-LFCS-97-374", month = "December", note = "PhD thesis at Imperial College of the University of London, 1996. \newline \verb+http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/lfcsreps/EXPORT/97/ECS-LFCS-97-374/index.html+", filename = {thesis} } @Article{Esc96a, author = "Escardo, M.H.", title = "{PCF} extended with real numbers", journal = TCS, year = 1996, volume = 162, number = 1, pages = "79--115", filename = {realpcf} } @Inproceedings{ Esc96b, author = "Escardo, M.H.", title = "Real {PCF} extended with $\exists$ is universal", booktitle = {Advances in Theory and Formal Methods of Computing: Proceedings of the Third Imperial College Workshop, April 1996}, editor = "A.~Edalat and S.~Jourdan and G.~McCusker", address = {Christ Church, Oxford}, publisher="IC Press", year = 1996, pages = {13--24}, filename = {realpcfuniversal} } @InProceedings{ES97, author = "Escardo, M.H. and Streicher, T.", title = "Induction and recursion on the partial real line via biquotients of bifree algebras", year = 1997, booktitle = "Proceedings of the 12th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science", pages = {376--386}, filename = {licsinduction} } @Article{ES99, author = "Escardo, M.H. and Streicher, T.", title = "Induction and recursion on the partial real line with applications to {R}eal {PCF}", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", year = 1998, volume = 210, number = 1, pages = {121-157}, filename = {fullinduction} } @InProceedings{PEE97, author = "P.J. Potts and A. Edalat and M.H. Escardo", title = "Semantics of exact real number arithmetic", year = 1997, booktitle = "Proceedings of the 12th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic In Computer Science", pages = {248--257}, filename = {lics97} } @Article{Esc97a, author = "M.H. Escardo", title = "Properly injective spaces and function spaces", journal = "Topology and Its Applications", number = "1--2", pages = {75--120}, volume = 89, year = 1998, filename = {injective} } @Article{EEK97, author = "T. Erker and M.H. Escardo and K. Keimel", title = "The way-below relation of function spaces over semantic domains", journal = "Topology and Its Applications", number = "1--2", volume = 89, pages = {61--74}, year = 1998, filename = {waybelow} } @InProceedings{EE96, author = "Edalat, A. and Escardo, M.H.", title = "Integration in {R}eal {PCF} (Extended abstract)", year = 1996, booktitle = "Proceedings of the 11th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic In Computer Science", address = "New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA", pages = {382--393}, filename = {integrationpcf} } @Article{EE99, author = {Edalat, A. and Escardo, M.H.}, title = {Integration in {R}eal {PCF}}, journal = {Information and Computation}, year = {to appear}, filename = {fullintegrationpcf} } @Inproceedings{ Esc95, author = "Escardo, M.H.", title = "Induction and recursion on the real line", booktitle = {Theory and Formal Methods 1994: Proceedings of the Second Imperial College Workshop on Theory and Formal Methods}, editor = "Hankin, C. and Mackie, I. and Nagarajan, R.", address = {{M{\o}ller} Centre, Cambridge}, publisher="IC Press", Note = 1995, pages = "259--282", year = "11--14 September 1994", filename = {realinduc} } @Techreport{ EC93, author = "Escardo, M.H. and Claudio, D.M.", title = "Scott domain theory as a foundation for interval analysis", institution="UFRGS/II", year = 1993, number = 218, address = "Porto Alegre, Brazil", } @InProceedings{Esc98b, author = "Escardo, M.H.", title = "Effective and sequential definition by cases on the reals via infinite signed-digit numerals", booktitle = {Third Workshop on Computation and Approximation (Comprox III)}, series = "Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science", year = 1998, volume = 13, note = "{\verb+http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs/+}", filename = {entcs98} } @InProceedings{escardo:flagg, author = {M.H. Escardo and R.C. Flagg}, title = {Semantic domains, injective spaces and monads}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS XV)}, year = 1999, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, note = { \verb+http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs/+}, volume = 20, filename = {kzmonads}, publisher = {Elsevier} } @InProceedings{escardo:stably, author = {M.H. Escardo}, title = {On the compact-regular coreflection of a stably compact locale.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS XV)}, year = 1999, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, publisher = {Elsevier}, note = {To appear in \verb+http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs/+}, volume = 20, filename = {patch-short} } @Unpublished{escardo:metric, author = {M.H. Escardo}, title = {A metric model of {PCF}}, note = {Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh, \newline \verb+http://www.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~mhe/+}, month = {April}, year = 1999, filename = {metricpcf} } @Article{escardo:stablylocally, author = {M.H. Escardo}, title = {The regular-locally-compact coreflection of stably locally compact locale}, journal = {Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra}, year = {to appear}, filename = {patch-full} } @Misc{escardo:slides, author = {M.H. Escardo}, title = {Slides of a talk given in the first {APPSEM} workshop in {P}isa}, howpublished = {A full paper appears in ENTCS}, month = {September}, year = 1998, note = {Available from \verb+http://hypatia.dcs.qmw.ac.uk+}, filename = {lexnew-slides} } @Misc{escardo:cv, author = {M.H. Escardo}, title = {A concise CV including list of publications}, note = {Available from \verb+http://hypatia.dcs.qmw.ac.uk+}, filename = {cvpubl} } @Misc{escardo:bib, author = {M.H. Escardo}, title = {{BibTeX} file of my publications}, month = {September}, year = 1999, filename = {EscardoMH} } @Misc{escardo:copyright, author = {M.H. Escardo}, title = {Copyright notice}, year = 1999, filename = {README} }