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Signed Binary Division by an Integer

In section 4.3.3, the algorithm for the division of a signed binary stream by an integer was defined as follows:

\lefteqn{\mathrm{int\_div}(a::x,n) \ = \ \mathrm{int\_div'}(a...
 ...s' \leq -n)\end{array} \right.}\ \qquad \textrm{where } s' = 2s + a\end{array}$

The Haskell implementation of this algorithm is as follows:

-- sbIntDiv : Division of a signed binary stream by an integer
sbIntDiv :: SBinStream -> Int -> SBinStream 
sbIntDiv _ 0    = undefined
sbIntDiv x 1    = x
sbIntDiv x (-1) = sbNegate x
sbIntDiv x n    = sbIntDiv' x n 0

-- sbIntDiv' : Auxiliary to sbIntDiv
sbIntDiv' :: SBinStream -> Int -> Int -> SBinStream 
sbIntDiv' (a:x) n s = if (s' >= n)  then (  1:sbIntDiv' x n (s'-n)) else
                      if (s' <= -n) then ( -1:sbIntDiv' x n (s'+n)) 
                                    else (  0:sbIntDiv' x n s')
        where s' = 2*s+a

The algorithm and implementation are essentially the same. The only changes required are syntactic.

The lines starting with a double minus signed (--) are comments. The lines starting with a function name and followed by a double colon (::) are type definitions, and the remaining lines are the function definitions. The first three cases for sbIntDiv catch division by zero and avoid trivial divisions by one or minus one. The keyword where is a kind of postfix version of ML's let ... in ... statement. It allows us to define variables which are used in the main expression, and makes the code extremely readable.

The only remaining differences are that `cons' is represented using a single colon rather than the double one used in the algorithm description, and the three cases in the algorithm description are implemented using an if then statement.

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Martin Escardo