Euro-Par '98

Southampton, UK Sept 1-4, 1998

Workshop 18: Programming Models and Methods

Programme Committee:

General Chair: Christian Lengauer (Passau, Germany)

Local Chair: Murray Cole (Edinburgh, UK)

Vice-Chair: Beverly Sanders (Florida at Gainesville, USA)

Vice-Chair: Gaétan Hains (Orléans, France)


Producing correct software is already a difficult task in the sequential context. The challenge is compounded by the conceptual complexity of parallelism and the requirement for high performance. Thus, the topics of this workshop are programming and design models that abstract from low-level programming techniques, present software developers with an interface that reduces the complexity of the parallel software construction task, and support correctness issues. It is also concerned with methodological aspects of developing parallel programs, particularly transformational and calculational approaches, and associated ways of integrating cost information into them. This workshop emphasizes programming. Related workshops are WS04, which emphasizes automation, WS10, which emphasizes computability and complexity, and WS16, which emphasizes language features and their implementation.

Topics of interest:

Submission Details

The standard submission mechanism for all Euro-Par 98 workshops is electronic. Paper submissions are only allowed for people without easy access to standard electronic facilities. For these, the cover page must clearly indicate the name, address, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the author(s), and contain a 100-word abstract and keywords. The workshop number and the workshop title relating to each submitted paper must also be clearly indicated on the cover page. Authors should send six copies of their submission to the official address, postmarked before 20 January 1998.

Official Address

The Department of Electronics and Computer Science,
University of Southampton,
Southampton, SO17 1BJ,