Download the MLj Compiler

MLj 0.2 is currently available as source+binaries for Sparc processors running Sun Solaris, for Intel x86 processors running Linux, and for Intel x86 processors running Windows 95 or Windows NT. It is also available in source-only form for compilation on any system supported by SML of New Jersey version 110. MLj 0.2 is distributed under the GNU Public License.

MLj 0.2 supports only JDK 1.1 and above.

Download (by http):

for Sparc processors running Solaris mlj0.2c-sparc.tar.gz (3.8 M)
for x86 processors running Linux mlj0.2c-linux.tar.gz (3.2 M)
for x86 processors running Windows 95/NT mlj0.2c-win.exe (3.8 M)
source-only (requires SML/NJ 110) mlj0.2c-src.tar.gz (1.2 M) or mlj0.2c-src.exe (1.9 M)

This is release MLj 0.2c; see the revision history for details of earlier releases.

If you have any problems with building MLj please mail us at

There is a mailing list mlj-users for anyone interested in the compiler.

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