If we have an interactive system (quadruple): (S,Phi) : (Sigma S : Set)S -> Fam(Fam S), where Phi = \s->(C(s),\c->(R(s,c),\r->s[c/r])), then we define two relations a <= s and s < a between states s : S and countable ordinals a: 0 <= s == N1 (a+1) <= s == (Sigma c : C(s), Pi r : R(c,s)) a <= s[c/r] (sup_n a_n) <= s == (Pi n : Nat) a_n <= s 0 > s == N0 (a+1) > s == (Pi c : C(s), Sigma r : R(c,s)) a > s[c/r] (sup_n a_n) > s == (Sigma n : Nat) a_n > s Intended meaning : a <= s : the `interactive potential' of s can be at least a s < a : the `interactive potential' of s can be bounded by a (If `interactive potential' means anything .. !) *************** Perhaps there is some (pseudo-)quantifiable notion of `potential difference' between states? (The work done in getting from one to the other.) If one thinks of the `work' as simulating a (high-level) state sa using a (low-level) state sc, then it seems not unreasonable that Sim(sa,sc) = ( Pi c : C(sa), Sigma p : C^*(sc), Pi t : R^*(sc,p), Sigma r : R(sa,c) )Sim(sa[c/r],sc[p/t]) where Sim(sa,sc) is the set of simulations of sa using sc, and `^*' refers to the closure of the interactive system. (So p : C^*(sc) is a `tree with leaves', t : R^*(sc,p) is a path to a leaf, and sc[t/p] is the leaf state.) Such a simulation has the form: \c->(p(c),\t->(r(c,t),m(c,t))) where m(c,t) : Sim(sa[c/r(c,t)],sc[p(c)/t]) There is a natural reflexive and transitive order between simulations, which seems to capture the idea that one simulation is at least as "efficient" as another: (p,r,m) <= (p',r',m') == (for all c : C(sa)) the tree p'(c) is a prefix of the tree p(c), and (for all paths t : R^*(sc,p(c))) m(c,t) <= m'(c,t'), where t' is the prefix of t in p'(c) (The formal definition is quite long.) Perhaps there is some way to `bound the complexity' of a simulation (above and below) by an ordinal?