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Describes the reengineering of the New York terminal approach air traffic control system. It was running on Sperry 1100 with code written in ULTRA. The target was an IBM system/370 model 3083 with Pascal/VS code. There were 25 people in three teams tackilng 53000 non-comentary lines of source legacy code. the project lasted 9 months and met its budgets.

They ended up with 83000 lines of commented Pascal (33000 without comments). 156 of the 340 pascal procedures were implimented with no functional deviations from the original ULTRA.

Amongst others, success was attributed to: easy to use tools being available soon after the project began; Incremental software builds; and much reuse of the original design which embodied so much experience.

Related pages: Bibliography
This page last edited on 28 October 1999
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