
PublicReengineering Wiki


Parts of a system are accessed using interfaces which are unsatisfactory: for example, the interfaces expose information which should be encapsulated, or they are inconsistent and hard to use. However, there is too much code using the interface to change the interface and all code using it in one go, or else the code which uses the interface is not under the control of the interface writer. It may not be possible to be completely confident that a particular modification to the interface is an improvement, until it has been tried out by a large group of users of the API.


The obvious solution is to modify the interface, release a new version, and force all clients of the interface to be modified accordingly. However, this may impose an unacceptable burden on the maintainers of those clients (whether or not they are the same people/organisation who own the interface). Worse, if a modification turns out to be a mistake -- which may be hard to tell without full knowledge of how an interface is being used -- it might be necessary to undo a modification, whereupon the double modification of the client code would be extremely wasteful of effort.


Using all available information, design a modification to the interface which is believed to be an improvement. Add any new elements to the interface. Any elements which are not present in the modified interface are not immediately removed, but are documented as ``Deprecated'' with pointers to alternative features which should be used instead. Users of the interface are encouraged to provide feedback on any problems they encountered using the new interface without deprecated features, particularly if this led client developers to continue using a deprecated interface element. The default procedure is that in each new release of the interface the features which were already deprecated in the previous release are removed; but feedback from users may provoke a rethink; for example, a feature which the interface designers had thought was not useful and had marked ``deprecated'' might turn out not to be redundant, in which its ``deprecated'' tag could be removed in a subsequent release.


If cases emerge where it is difficult to avoid using a deprecated interface element, the element can be used and the reason for the difficulty examined. It may be that adequate replacement features are not in place. By deprecating the element rather than removing it we avoid presenting the API user with the frustrating situation in which a problem which was soluble using one version of the API becomes insoluble using a later version.

This technique is useful where the existing structure is reasonably sensible, but interfaces are poorly designed or too broad. It is harder to use it in cases where the structure needs to be redefined in a way which is visible to the user. In such a case facilities may have to be temporarily duplicated using the old and the new structure, which depending on the length of the deprecation period may be unacceptable.

Depending on the nature of the user community the deprecation may be ignored. One way to tackle this would be to specify that a deprecated interface element will be removed in a specific version.

Known uses

Emacs, Java JDK, internal Edinburgh Concurrency Workbench development...


Perdita Stevens, Rob Pooley.

Related pages: ReengineeringPatterns

This page last edited on 5 January 2000
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