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Class eduni.simdiag.GraphEqn


public class GraphEqn
extends Object
implements Runnable
Generates sin/cos graph from equation. The output format is a stream of GraphEventObjects which can be read and displayed by a GraphDiagram. This class may be useful as an example of how to generate a graph from user simulations: see the source code

Constructor Index

 o GraphEqn()
Creates a graph generator (Sine, Cos)

Method Index

 o addGraphListener(GraphListener)
Adds a graph listener
 o forwardGraph(GraphEventObject)
Forwards a graph event to anyone listening.
 o removeGraphListener(GraphListener)
Removes a graph listener
 o run()
Generates the graph
 o startRunning()
Called after output has been wired


 o GraphEqn
 public GraphEqn()
Creates a graph generator (Sine, Cos)


 o startRunning
 public void startRunning()
Called after output has been wired

 o run
 public void run()
Generates the graph

 o addGraphListener
 public synchronized void addGraphListener(GraphListener l)
Adds a graph listener

 o removeGraphListener
 public synchronized void removeGraphListener(GraphListener l)
Removes a graph listener

 o forwardGraph
 public void forwardGraph(GraphEventObject e)
Forwards a graph event to anyone listening.

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