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Class eduni.simjava.Sim_port


public class Sim_port
extends Object
This class represents ports which are used to connect entities for event passing.

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o Sim_port(String)
Constructor, for stand-alone simulations.
 o Sim_port(String, String, int, int)
Constructor for use with the eduni.simanim package for animations.

Method Index

 o get_dest()
Get the unique id number of the destination entity of this port.
 o get_dest_ename()
Get the name of the destination entity of this port.
 o get_pname()
Get the name of this port.
 o get_src()
Get the unique id number of the source entity of this port.


 o Sim_port
 public Sim_port(String port_name)
Constructor, for stand-alone simulations.

port_name - The name to identify this port
A new instance of the class Sim_port
 o Sim_port
 public Sim_port(String port_name,
                 String image_name,
                 int side,
                 int pos)
Constructor for use with the eduni.simanim package for animations.

port_name - The name to identify this port
image_name - The name of the gif graphics file to use for this port's icon, (without the ".gif" extension)
side - Which side of the parent entity the port should be drawn on, one of Anim_port.LEFT, Anim_port.RIGHT, Anim_port.TOP, or Anim_port.BOTTOM.
pos - How many pixels along that side the port should be drawn.
A new instance of the class Sim_port


 o get_dest_ename
 public String get_dest_ename()
Get the name of the destination entity of this port.

The name of the entity
 o get_pname
 public String get_pname()
Get the name of this port.

The name
 o get_dest
 public int get_dest()
Get the unique id number of the destination entity of this port.

The id number
 o get_src
 public int get_src()
Get the unique id number of the source entity of this port.

The id number

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