SML support on Solaris

Several SML compilers are available on the Solaris SPARC workstations and servers.

SML/NJ 0.93

Version 0.93 of SML/NJ is invoked by the command nj-sml, as in the following:

[samphrey]skc: nj-sml
Standard ML of New Jersey, Version 0.93, February 15, 1993
val it = () : unit
Several options are available as switches to the nj-sml command. These options allow different flavours of the compiler and tools to be selected can be found by typing nj-sml -help.
[samphrey]skc: nj-sml -help
Standard ML of New Jersey Version 0.93
Command-Line Switches :
        -noshare : Non-share version (compiler not exported).
        -library : Edinburgh Standard ML Library loaded.
        -edlib   : Edinburgh SML Library (for mlkit 1/2).
        -debug   : Debugging enabled.
        -profile : Profiling enabled.
        -smltk   : TK toolkit loaded.
        -cml     : John Reppy's Concurrent ML.
Other Versions :
        -new     : Working version 109 (temporary).
        -97      : Final working version 110 (temporary).
        -97cm    : Version 110 with CM (temporary).
        -97lex   : Version 110 LEX tool (temporary).
        -97yacc  : Version 110 YACC tool (temporary).

Note that all versions other than 0.93 are not officially supported and are liable to be removed. A different script is now used to run 110.x versions of SML/NJ.

SML/NJ 110

SML/NJ is invoked by the command smlnj, as in the following:

[samphrey]skc: smlnj
Standard ML of New Jersey, Version 110.0.3, January 30, 1998 [CM; autoload enabled]
This new script is intended to support several version of the 110.x SML/NJ compiler, libraries and tools. Several options are available as switches to the smlnj command. These options allow different SML/NJ versions to be selected, and for each version, specification of a tool to be used and libraries to be loaded. Help can be found by typing smlnj -help.
[samphrey]skc: smlnj -help
This is the local install of SML/NJ
See for more details
Versions installed: 110.0.3
/usr/local/bin/smlnj [--version/-v version] [--cm/-cm] [--lex/-lex] [--yacc/-yacc] [--burg/-burg] [--help/-help/-?] [SML/NJ options]

--version version, -v version
        Select the version of SML/NJ
--cm, -cm
        Select version of SML/NJ with CM
--lex, -lex
        The ML Lex tool
--yacc, -yacc
        The ML yacc tool
--burg, -burg
        The ML burg tool
--help, -help, -?

Moscow ML

Moscow ML is a lightweight ML compiler that produces byte code that is interpreted. Moscow ML does not (yet) provide the full modules capability of SML. Moscow does provide most of the SML Basis library, is small, simple and has a few useful extensions (such as CGI support). To run Moscow ML on the Solaris machines type mosml. More information on Moscow ML can be found at the Moscow ML homepage.

Stuart Croy
Last modified: Tue Mar 23 16:31:06 GMT 1999