MPI Poll '95 Results

A poll was conducted to better understand how programmers are using the rich MPI functionality, what extensions are needed, and how to prioritize our work to better serve MPI users, and the HPC community at large.

There were 129 responses. The numbers given beside each answer indicate the total number of respondents who checked that answer.

Are you using MPI?

(104) Currently using it
(025) May use it in the future

Which types of decomposition are you currently using? (check all that apply)

(68) Master/Slave
(81) Grid Decomposition
(46) Other

Which machine architectures are you currently using? (check all that apply)

(083) NOW (Network of Workstations)
(035) Standalone SMP (SGI, SUN, etc.)
(101) MPP (T3D, Paragon, SP2, Exemplar, CS2, etc.)

Which MPI groups of functions do you use? (check all that apply)

Which derived datatype constructors do you use? (check all that apply)

(39) Contiguous
(39) Vector
(22) Indexed
(38) Struct
(19) Pack

Which intra-communicator creation calls do you use? (check all that apply)

(29) Comm_dup
(40) Comm_create
(28) Comm_split

What missing MPI functionality do you need for your programs?


LAM / MPI Parallel Computing / Ohio Supercomputer Center /