Optimisation of Partitioned Temporal Joins

Thomas Zurek

Department of Computer Science

University of Edinburgh

This is an HTML version of a talk that I gave on 8 July 1997 on the BNCOD'97 conference. I have merged the contents of the slides with the notes that I had prepared. For more details you will have to check the corresponding conference paper whose reference is here. This talk also gives a brief overview of my PhD project.

Table of Contents

Slide 1: Overview

  1. temporal relations, temporal joins, temporal join conditions (slides 2, 3)
  2. temporal join processing
  3. structure of the optimisation process (slides 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
  4. summary (slide 15)

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Slide 2: Temporal Relations


Hamlet and Faust are temporal relations that contain information on where and when plays are performed. They are said to be temporal relations because each tuple has a timestamp. Frequently, these timestamps are represented as intervals because intervals have proved to be the most versatile representation of time. They allow to express almost any time reference that we use in natural language.

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Slide 3: Temporal Joins


This is an example for a temporal join. It would answer the query ``During what periods are both plays performed simultaneously?''. It is temporal because the join condition involves the timestamp attributes. The predicate, i.e. temporal intersection, is the procedural expression of simultaneity.

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Slide 4: Nested-Loops Temporal Join

Processing Hamlet tex2html_wrap_inline193 Faust as a nested-loops join.


This is an illustration of the simplest algorithm for processing a join - and a temporal join in particular:

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Slide 5: Symmetric Partitioning

Symmetric partitioning is a technique used for

It splits one, big operation into several, small and independent operations. For that purpose, each relation is partitioned into several fragments. Fragments are not created arbitrarily but on base of the join condition. This is the crucial point (see next slide).





Symmetric partitioning has two major advantages:

  1. The subjoins are independent, i.e. they can be processed concurrently.
  2. It can be considered as a kind of preprocessing that gets rid of some unnecessary work: e.g. those tuples in the first fragment of Hamlet are not compared with the tuples in the second and third fragments of Faust because those comparisons can be discarded.

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Slide 6: Difference with Conventional Joins

Partitioned Equi-Joins


Partitioned Temporal-Joins


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Slide 7: A Partitioned Nested-Loops Temporal Join


This is an example of symmetric partitioning for a temporal join.

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Slide 8: ...and using a different partition

A (minimal) change of breakpoints delivers totally different scenario:


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Slide 9: Summary of the Problems

Three types of overhead

The choice of partition is critical!

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Slide 10: Optimisation Process

This is the structure of the optimisation process: 4 stages (corresponding to the 4 grey boxes) for finding a ``good'' partition for processing a temporal join.

The remainder of the talk shows the results of each stage. Technical details on how to get these results can be found in the paper.


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Slide 11: Stage 1

The result of the 1st stage is a kind of index structure, called an IP-table (IP = Interval Partitioning). In general, IP-tables describe the characteristics of a certain bag of intervals, e.g. of those that appear as timestamps in a temporal relation R. An example scenario is shown here: There is the time line; intervals are represented as bold bars.


The IP-table that corresponds to that is the following:

IP-Table for a Relation R


E.g. at timepoint 8, there is 1 starting interval and 2 intervals overlapping (i.e. they include 8 but do not end at time 8).

In the optimiser that I have in mind, IP-tables for individual temporal relations are maintained as metadata in the catalog, i.e.\ they already exist at optimisation time. IP-tables can be merged & condensed (compressed).

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Slide 12: Stage 2

This slide shows the result of the second stage of the optimisation process. Here, you see the result of 3 different strategies that partition the bag of intervals into 4 fragments respectively.

uniform strategy: uniform partition of the time line


underflow strategy: well balanced fragments


min.-overlaps strategy: minimises number of intervals that overlap the breakpoints


All these strategies can be efficiently implemented on the base of IP-tables.

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Slide 13: Stage 3

Something like this is the result of the third stage of the optimisation process in which each partition is analysed for its cost implications.


The costs are calculated on the of

a cost model and
the IP-tables of the relations that participate in the join

The diagram shows the costs for a certain temporal join and the partitions produced by the partitioning strategies in the previous optimisation stage. In practice, there will be much more strategies involved. The cheapest partition is then used for processing the join.

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Slide 14: Elapsed Times for Optimisation

This slide shows the elapsed times for the optimisation process for each of the 3 partitioning strategies. Optimisation was run on a 2-processor SS-20 computing server. The times prove that it is reasonable to spend a few seconds on the optimisation in order to reduce the join processing times.


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Slide 15: Summary

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About this document ...

Optimisation of Partitioned Temporal Joins

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Thomas Zurek, tz@dcs.ed.ac.uk