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X-based VNC server

Xvnc is the Unix VNC server based on a standard X server.  Applications can display themselves on it as if it were a normal X display, but they will actually appear on any connected VNC viewers rather than on a physical screen.

Xvnc.gif (3567 bytes)

So Xvnc is really two servers in one. To the applications it is an X server, and to the remote VNC users it is a VNC server. By convention we have arranged that the VNC server display number will be the same as the X server display number, which means you can use eg. snoopy:2 to refer to it in both the X world and the VNC world.

Normally you will start Xvnc using the vncserver script, which designed to simplify the process, and which is written in Perl.  You can edit this to suit your preferences and local conditions.  We recommend doing this rather than running Xvnc directly, but Xvnc has essentially the same options as a standard X server, with a few extensions.  Running Xvnc -h will display a list.

As mentioned in Getting Started, vncserver can be run with no options at all. In this case it will choose the first available display number, start Xvnc as that display, and run a couple of basic applications to get you started. You can also specify the display number, in which case it will us that number if it is available and exit if not, eg:

vncserver :13

Run with the -help argument to see the other options. The important ones are as follows:

-name name
Each desktop has a name which may be displayed by the viewer. It defaults to 'X' but you can change it with this option.
-geometry widthxheight
Specify the size of the desktop to be created. By default this will be slightly smaller than your current X display, if set, otherwise 1024x768.
-depth depth
Specify the pixel depth in bits of the desktop to be created. By default this will be the same as your current X display, if set, otherwise 8.

In general, you can specify standard X server arguments to vncserver, and they will be passed through to Xvnc.

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