%%% csletr.cls %%% Style for CS letters, following visual identity style guidelines %%% AJCD 17/2/93 %%% JTB 06/02/95 - modified for LaTeX2e %%% %%% $Log: csletr.cls,v $ %%% Revision 1.5 1996/05/08 12:23:51 jtb %%% Combined the Mac and UNIX versions. %%% %%% Revision 1.4 1996/04/08 16:20:42 jtb %%% Fixed font bug in header. %%% %%% Revision 1.3 1995/10/02 16:05:29 jtb %%% Changed profs to rather informal first names. %%% %%% Revision 1.2 1995/09/28 10:48:06 jtb %%% Renamed file to csletr.cls %%% Added Colin Stirling as Prof and Mike as HoD. %%% %%% Revision 1.1 1995/05/19 13:10:15 da %%% Initial revision %%% % ---------------------------------- % Identification % ---------------------------------- \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] \ProvidesClass{csletr}[1996/05/08 CS Dept letter style - JTB] % ---------------------------------- % Initial code % ---------------------------------- % ---------------------------------- % Declaration of options % ---------------------------------- \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{euletr}} % ---------------------------------- % Execution of options % ---------------------------------- \ProcessOptions % ---------------------------------- % Package Loading % ---------------------------------- \LoadClass{euletr} % ---------------------------------- % Main code % ---------------------------------- %%% Departmental information. \renewcommand{\@deptname}{% DEPARTMENT \textit{of\/} COMPUTER SCIENCE }% \renewcommand{\@planningunit}{% Informatics Planning Unit }% \renewcommand{\@deptaddress}{% The University of Edinburgh\\ James Clerk Maxwell Building\\ The King's Buildings\\ Mayfield Road\\ Edinburgh EH9 3JZ }% %\renewcommand{\@hod}{Professor Michael P Fourman} \renewcommand{\@hod}{Dr Gordon J Brebner} \renewcommand{\@profs}{% Professors of Computer Science,% Samson Abramsky,% Rod M Burstall,% Michael P Fourman,% Roland N Ibbett,% Gordon D Plotkin FRS,% Colin P Stirling} %\telex{727442 (UNIVED G)} % already set \fax{667 7209} % fax number %\email{} % electronic mail %\extn{} % internal phone %\code{(0131)} % could use +44 131 %\phone{650 1000} % main phone number