%%% lfcsletr.cls %%% Style for LFCS letters, following visual identity style guidelines %%% AJCD 14/1/93, from csletter.sty %%% JTB 10/02/95 - modified for LaTeX2e %%% %%% $Log: lfcsletr.cls,v $ %%% Revision 1.9 1996/05/24 13:42:58 jtb %%% Updated Asst. Director and changed Professors -> Prof. %%% %%% Revision 1.8 1996/05/08 12:24:39 jtb %%% Combined the Mac and Unix versions. %%% %%% Revision 1.7 1996/05/07 11:39:34 jtb %%% Added Samson and put Don as Director. %%% %%% Revision 1.6 1996/04/08 16:20:58 jtb %%% Fixed font bug in header. %%% %%% Revision 1.5 1995/11/24 14:43:36 jtb %%% Really added Colin as Prof :-) %%% %%% Revision 1.4 1995/09/28 10:48:50 jtb %%% Added Colin as Prof. %%% %%% Revision 1.3 1995/07/17 15:58:16 da %%% Added back Mike. %%% %%% Revision 1.2 1995/06/22 10:52:45 da %%% Dr. C P Stirling as a co-director. %%% %%% Revision 1.1 1995/05/19 13:10:15 da %%% Initial revision %%% % ---------------------------------- % Identification % ---------------------------------- \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] \ProvidesClass{lfcsletr}[1996/05/08 LFCS letter style - JTB] % ---------------------------------- % Initial code % ---------------------------------- %%% These have to be \defs and not \newcommands because they are used %%% in \ifx comparisons with \@empty below and so they can't be \long \def\@director{Dr.\ D T Sannella} \def\@assistant{Dr.\ G R Duckett} \def\@codirectors{Prof.\ S Abramsky\quad\hfil Prof.\ R M Burstall\quad\hfil Prof.\ M P Fourman\quad\hfil Prof.\ G D Plotkin FRS\quad\hfil Prof.\ C P Stirling} % ---------------------------------- % Declaration of options % ---------------------------------- \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{euletr}} % ---------------------------------- % Execution of options % ---------------------------------- \ProcessOptions % ---------------------------------- % Package Loading % ---------------------------------- \LoadClass{euletr} % ---------------------------------- % Main code % ---------------------------------- \renewcommand{\@deptname}{% \@elvpt Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science }% \renewcommand{\@deptaddress}{% DEPARTMENT \textit{of\/} COMPUTER SCIENCE\\ The University of Edinburgh\\ % department address James Clerk Maxwell Building\\ The King's Buildings\\ Edinburgh EH9 3JZ }% \newcommand{\@twtpt}{\euletter@font\fontsize{20}{25pt}\selectfont} % leading ignored \newcommand{\@elvpt}{\euletter@font\fontsize{11}{14pt}\selectfont} \newcommand{\foot@lone}{% \hfil Director: \@director \ifx\@empty\@assistant \else\quad Assistant Director: \@assistant \fi }% \newcommand{\foot@ltwo}{% \ifx\@empty\@codirectors \else Co-Directors: \@codirectors \fi }% \renewcommand{\ps@firstpage}{% \renewcommand{\@oddhead}{% \ifheadedpaper \else \hfill \vbox to 0mm {\vss \hbox to 0pt{\hss \@eushield \hss} \vss }% \fi }% \renewcommand{\@oddfoot}{% \@eightpt \vbox to 10mm {\vss % to \mainsize \ifheadedpaper \else \hbox to\linewidth{% {\@twtpt LFCS} \hskip15mm plus 1fil \vbox{% \setbox0=\hbox{\foot@lone}% \setbox1=\hbox{\foot@ltwo}% \ifnum\wd0>\wd1 \@tempdima=\wd0 \else \@tempdima=\wd1 \fi \hbox to \@tempdima{\foot@lone}% \ifx\@empty\@codirectors \else \hbox to\@tempdima{\foot@ltwo}% \fi }% }% \vskip1pt \hrule depth1pt height0pt \vss \fi }% }% \let\@evenhead=\@empty \let\@evenfoot=\@empty }% \email{} % electronic mail \extn{} % internal phone \telex{} % telex number \code{+44 131} \fax{667 7209} % fax number \phone{650 1000} % main phone number