The programming language Standard ML is an amalgam of two, largely orthogonal, languages. The Core language expresses details of algorithms and data structures. The Modules language expresses the modular architecture of a software system. Both languages are statically typed, with their static and dynamic semantics specified by a formal definition.
Over the past decade, Standard ML Modules has been the source of inspiration for much research into the type-theoretic foundations of modules languages. Despite these efforts, a proper type-theoretic understanding of its static semantics has remained elusive. In this thesis, we use Type Theory as a guideline to reformulate the unconventional static semantics of Modules, providing a basis for useful extensions to the Modules language.
Our starting point is a stylised presentation of the existing static semantics of Modules, parameterised by an arbitrary Core language. We claim that the type-theoretic concepts underlying Modules are type parameterisation, type quantification and subtyping. We substantiate this claim by giving a provably equivalent semantics with an alternative, more type-theoretic presentation. In particular, we show that the notion of type generativity corresponds to existential quantification over types. In contrast to previous accounts, our analysis does not involve first-order dependent types.
Our first extension generalises Modules to higher-order, allowing modules to take parameterised modules as arguments, and return them as results. We go beyond previous proposals for higher-order Modules by supporting a notion of type generativity. We give a sound and complete algorithm for type-checking higher-order Modules. Our second extension permits modules to be treated as first-class citizens of an ML-like Core language, greatly extending the range of computations on modules. Each extension arises from a natural generalisation of our type-theoretic semantics.
This thesis also addresses two pragmatic concerns. First, we propose a simple approach to the separate compilation of Modules, which is adequate in practice but has theoretical limitations. We suggest a modified syntax and semantics that alleviates these limitations. Second, we study the type inference problem posed by uniting our extensions to higher-order and first-class modules with an implicitly-typed, ML-like Core language. We present a hybrid type inference algorithm that integrates the classical algorithm for ML with the type-checking algorithm for Modules.
LFCS thesis ECS-LFCS-98-389, 1998.
This is a 360-page PhD thesis. It is available in the following forms.