Michael O'Boyle
Professor, FBCS
PhD, University of Manchester, 1992
Email: mob at inf dot ed dot ac dot uk
Phone: 0131 650 5117
Rethinking Compilation
5 lecture
course delivered at
ACACES 2023 investigating new compiler approaches for a heterogeneous world. Topics covered include machine learning, equality saturation,
program embeddings, graph neural networks, neural program synthesis, neural machine translation and large language models.
PhD positions
I am interested in recruiting students in any of the areas covered
by my research interests or current projects. I am also open minded - if
you have a great idea you would like to pursue - get in touch!
Research Interests
The primary research questions I am interested in are: (i) how can compiler
technology best exploit the potential of high performance heterogeneous
architectures (ii) how can we best design high performance heterogeneous
to meet emerging applications.
My research interests include:
Current projects
Recent awards
CGO 2024 Test of time award
Portable mapping of data parallel programs to OpenCL for heterogeneous systems
GPCE 2023 Best paper award
C2TACO: Lifting Tensor Code to TACOM
ACM ASPLOS 2021 Distinguished paper award
Neural Architecture Search as Program Transformation Exploration
HPCA 2021 Best paper award
Prodigy: Improving the Memory Latency of Data-Indirect Irregular Workloads Using Hardware-Software Co-Design
GPCE 2020 Best paper award
Modeling black-box components with probabilistic synthesis
Director of ARM Research Centre of Excellence
EPSRC Established Career Research Fellow
Director of
EPSRC CDT in Pervasive Parallelism
I am a member of the Compiler and Architecture Design Group.
Founder and member of HiPEAC Network of Excellence
Papers from 1997 onwards can be found on the CArD
publications page. Earlier papers 1992-1996 can be found
References also available from DBLP and
Google Scholar
A short CV
Students and PostDocs
Former Students and PostDocs