Nikos Mylonakis (Research Student)
Current research
My general research interests are type theoretical frameworks
for algebraic specifications and software design.
I am currently working on the design and implementation in type
theory of different proof systems for algebraic specifications.
I use a similar principle of encoding to the one used in LF, but
not its underlying type theory.
Instead, I use a more
expressive type theory which is implemented in the proof checker
Lego: the Uniform Theory of dependent Types (UTT).
Part of my research work is in the following papers:
S. Clerici, R. Pena and N. Mylonakis. Redes para procesos continuos en
Miranda. In PRODE93, volume ISBN:84-00-07383, 93.
J. Perez and N. Mylonakis. An algorithm for type checking with overloaded
and polymorphic functions. Report de recerca LSI-92-14-R, L.S.I.
Department (UPC), 1993
Nikos Mylonakis. Behavioural specifications in type theory.
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In Recent Trends in Data Type Specification, volume ? of LNCS,
Springer Verlag. 11th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types.
Oslo, Norway, September 1995.
Nikos Mylonakis. Adequate encodings of proof systems for algebraic
specifications in UTT.
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CADE-13 Workshop on Proof Search in Type-Theoretic Languages, 1996.
Some conferences of my interest:
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