This is a draft FAQ for Procmail, the mail processing utility for Unix.
The official URL of this page is -- this is a "virtual" URL which resolves to a different host. Please use the "virtual" URL rather than whatever your browser thinks it is you are currently looking at. This site can and will move in the relatively near future.
The following mirror sites are available:
This Procmail FAQ is an attempt at answering the most often asked questions and straightening out the most frequent misconceptions about Procmail. This is no substitute for the manuals, and indeed often will direct you to the manuals and other similar resources. There is also a small collection of links to more information.
If you feel you have trouble understanding the tips in this FAQ and/or the manual pages, please be invited to check out the newbie links on the companion link page, which also has a lot of other Procmail-related links for you to investigate.
If you are looking for a quick way to get started with Procmail, you should probably be reading the Procmail links page, too -- it has links to some good tutorials.
The author wanted to call this a "Mini-FAQ" but it keeps getting bigger. There are plans to rename it the "Bronto-FAQ".
As this document has changed and grown (it is currently about eight times the size of the arguably more elegant original version 1.0) it has become a bit hard to know where exactly to expect information about some things. I apologize for this. In the Contents, I try to include a mention of all very frequently asked questions, even if they're in a subsection of a subsection (further adding to the bloat, I'm afraid). The below table of contents is an abridged "best of" instead of a full TOC. (This makes little sense on the web page but is currently made to fit into various versions; I'll fix it. Someday. I think.)
The author's contact information is at the bottom of this page.
work right for my own folders?
to use?
from showing in bounces?
Procmail is also a complete drop-in replacement for your MDA. (If this doesn't mean anything to you, you don't want to know.)
Procmail runs under Unix. See Infinite Ink's Mail Filtering and Robots page for information about related utilities for various other platforms, and competing Unix programs, too (there aren't that many of either).
You can download Procmail from the main Procmail site or a number of mirrors. The Links page has a listing of well-established mirror sites.
In ancient times, then-current versions were posted to comp.sources.misc (vol 43, July 1994, is the newest I could find).
The recommended version of Procmail to install is 3.11pre7 . [The previous stable version was 3.11pre4. Don't use pre5 or pre6.]
Please note that some of the tips in this FAQ (or elsewhere) might not work for versions older than 3.11pre4. In particular, a great number of sites seem to be stuck on 3.10, which is a bad choice for a number of reasons. There should be plenty of incentive to upgrade to 3.11pre7 (or pre4, if you're chicken -- this was the recommended version for a good one and a half years before the issue of pre7. And don't let that "pre" scare you).
The installation procedure is fairly straightforward but probably not the first thing you should attempt after you get a Unix account.
If you feel adventurous, and have a friend with a working copy of Procmail for your type of operating system and hardware, you can just snatch her/his binary. However, you need to be aware that this defeats some checks which the installation program performs, such as determine where your mail spool is, what kinds of file locking should be employed, etc. Be particularly wary if you use NFS mounted mail spool directories.
The distribution comes with a
simple FAQ
(locally produced HTML version -- the
text-only original
is also available)
which covers some issues faced when first getting acquainted with
Procmail, such as how to view the manual pages, but it primarily
addresses various installation problems.
There's also answers to some very frequently asked questions,
some of which are not dealt with in the document you're reading now.
Please look at least at the TOC of the "original" FAQ as well.
(An abridged table of contents of the "original" Procmail FAQ is
in the "Quick Questions" section below.
Various files in the Procmail distribution package also contain
nuggets of very valuable information,
especially for the administrator setting up Procmail for the first time.)
If you can't find the answer to your question in either of these FAQs, please take a look at the Links section towards the end of this document -- but first, make sure you have found all of Procmail's manual pages; there are several.
If you are new to Unix, you should probably read up on regular expressions (grep/sed/awk/perl etc) and a little on mail handling before attempting to tackle the Procmail manual pages.
A: Install Procmail. Read the manual pages (there are several). Thank you.
The conditions, in their simplest form, are regular expressions to match against the header of each incoming mail message. You can leave out the condition lines completely if you want to do your action (in this case, run a shell script) unconditionally.:0 * conditions, if any | your-script-here
More-complicated conditions can also be exit codes of other shell scripts or programs, or tests against the full body of the message, or against Procmail variables (Procmail's variables are also exported to the environment of subprocesses, so they are essentially environment variables).
Actions can also be to save the message to a folder (appended to a
Unix mailbox file, or written to a new file in a directory) or to forward
the message to one or more other addresses. Finally, the action can be
a nested block of more "recipes",
as these condition-action mappings are called in Procmail jargon,
to try if the outer condition is met.
The procmailrc(5)
manual page has the full scoop.
Obviously, you are not restricted to Perl or shell scripts. Anything you can run from a Unix command prompt can be run from Procmail, in principle, although running interactive programs doesn't usually make much sense.
Q: I can't read. What's in the "original" Procmail FAQ?
A: Here's an abridged listing.
Q: What if Procmail is already installed by another user on my host?
A: Could be. Ask around. Yes, one installation per site should suffice.
Q: How do I know I have found all the manual pages?
A: You read them; most of them contain useful information. Start with the procmail(1) manual page; it contains pointers to the others under the "SEE ALSO" heading.
Q: How do I know which version of Procmail I have?
A: You examine the output of the following command:
$ procmail -v procmail v3.11pre4 1995/10/29 written and created by Stephen R. van den Berg <> Submit questions/answers to the procmail-related mailinglist by sending to: <> And of course, subscription and information requests for this list to: <> Locking strategies: dotlocking, fcntl() Default rcfile: $HOME/.procmailrc System mailbox: /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME
For Formail and Lockfile, the companion utilities, it's harder to say as they won't tell you themselves.
Q: Please please tell me the address of the Procmail mailing list!
A: See answer to previous question.
There is also a competing / complementary / whatever list. Rhett 'Jonzy' Jones writes:
I have just created two new mailing lists, which are Procmail/SmartList supported, along with my modifications to prevent UCE/SPAM. These mailing lists are procmail@lists.utah.eduTo subscribe to these mailing lists send the Subject: subscribe procmail-request@lists.utah.eduNOTE - You will not be able to post to these mailing until your address has been verified. Furthermore, you will NOT be able to subscribe to either one of these mailing lists if your domain is one of the 2850+ domain which I deny both subscription and postings from.
A: Try subscribing yourself anew and see if things start to change. SmartList is rather paranoid and will easily unsubscribe you if it gets bounces from your address.
Briefly, the regular expression to match anything that begins with
"pr" and ends with "mail" is ^pr.*mail$
but for practical
purposes, e.g. in a Subject: line, you might want to try the following
:0: * ^Subject: pr.*mail procmail-mail
This says: Anything that begins with "Subject: pr" and contains the
string "mail" somewhere after that is to be saved in the folder
Note that there is no need for a trailing .*
(and certainly not a sole *
-- the recipe will match regardless.
The neat stuff starts when you want to ignore "pro-mail" and "ProMail" while still looking for anything else that begins with "pro" and also contains "mail", but this example ends here.
Any beginners' book about Unix will contain a more detailed tutorial
on regular expressions, most likely in conjunction with examples using
the grep
and sed
programs. For reference,
the manual page for egrep
(an extended grep
at your site should contain
a concise listing of regular expression operators.
(Note that the manual's assertion that Procmail is 100% egrep compatible
is not strictly speaking true. For one thing, there are many egrep
One frequently seen Procmailism is this:
The brackets contain one space and one tab, in any order. This regular expression will catch any sequence of horizontal whitespace (including none at all -- change the[ ]*
to a +
if you want to make sure there's at least one
whitespace character).
Some mailer programs use tabs instead of spaces in some places, others will attempt to "pad" all header fields with spaces to make the headers somewhat more readable. Finally, Subject headers are written by mere humans who sometimes press the space bar twice, perhaps only because they want to see if that will break your autoresponder script. Therefore, your Procmail recipes frequently need to match arbitrary runs of whitespace characters if you want them to work in all situations.
in its first line, and the second gets a rom
without the
F. This messes up the mailbox format thoroughly.)
Rule of thumb: Use file locking when delivering to a file. Don't use
file locking when delivering to /dev/null
(because then it
doesn't matter if the message gets mangled, and you might not have the
permission to acquire a lock on a device), forwarding to another
address, or piping into a program. A pipeline which ends up appending to
a file should still use a lock, of course, since there is the same race
condition as when delivering straight to a file.
Rule of index finger: Using an unnecessary extra lock seldom hurts. (When it does hurt, you'll notice. :^)
:0: # Deliver to a file, let Procmail figure out how to lock it * ^From scooby scooby :0 # Forwarding; no locking required * ^TO_dogbert ! :0:snoopy.lock # Explicitly name a file to use as a lock * ^Subject:.*snoopy | $HOME/bin/ >>snoopy.mbox
The last one might need a little elaboration. When mail with a
Subject: line containing the word "snoopy" anywhere in it arrives,
Procmail will create a lock file called snoopy.lock
hold on to that file while executing the recipe (in this case, piping
the mail to a program called
appending the program's output to the file snoopy.mbox
If a second message matches the same recipe, the second instance of
Procmail which attempts to deliver that message will politely wait
until the first Procmail lets go of the lock file.
(You don't really need to name the lock file in this isolated case.
Procmail would automatically deduce a lock file based on the name of
the file you're appending to, snoopy.mbox
. But you might
have several recipes which do separate things which need to be
serialized somehow, so that one doesn't occur before the previous one
has finished its critical section. Say, maybe you have a second recipe
which modifies the program
itself, or,
more realistically, modifies a separate data file used by that
program. You can't have that running while this recipe runs, so they
have to share a lock, and you have to tell Procmail
the name of the lock file to use.)
The manual really does explain most of this, although it's not very explicit about why you would or wouldn't want to use locking in the first place.
:0: * ^ !
This will forward to the address jjasmith
any mail
addressed to johnny
. The trailing colon says to use a
lock file, but Procmail can't figure out what file you want to lock
because there is no file involved anywhere. Indeed, locking doesn't
make any sense here, and you'll get warning messages in the log
stating that Procmail "couldn't determine implicit lockfile".
Remove the second colon on the first line and all will be fine.
(If you think you want to use a variant of this recipe, don't. Read the "virtual domain" question below.)
A: Yes. Don't bother with Procmail if you want something simple and stupid. (But getting started really doesn't take that much, all things counted.)
Q: How can I forward to many addresses?
A: In the simple case, just add more addresses to the action line:
If you have a largish list of recipients, you might prefer to store the addresses in an external file you can edit without mucking with your Procmail filters::0 * ^Subject: result from cgi-bin/www-feedback$ !
This will break as soon as the output of the backticks is too large for your shell to handle. You can use more trickery to get around that, but why not resort to a ready-made solution instead? A mailing list manager will scale to thousands of recipients and have some provisions for handling bounces, preventing mail loops, and automatically adding and deleting subscribers. (You might want to look at SmartList, which runs on top of Procmail.)# The file $MAILDIR/addresses.txt contains the recipients, one per line :0 * ^Subject: result from cgi-bin/www-feedback$ ! `cat addresses.txt` # ^ Make sure those ^ are backticks, BTW (ASCII 96)
By the way, if mail to one address should always be redirected to one or more other addresses, you should read the "virtual domain" section below. (Don't use Procmail for this. The universe will implode if you do.)
What does the second colon in :0:
mean? Should I worry?
A: You just missed it. It tells Procmail to use locking on this recipe. Go back and read the above snippet about file locking. See the next question.
Q: What does "Couldn't determine implicit lockfile" mean?
Briefly, that you have :0:
where you should have
either a named lock file or just :0
(ignoring any possible flags here).
See previous question. Hope this helps.
Q: What does "Extraneous locallockfile ignored" mean?
A: See previous question. Hope this helps.
Q: What does "Extraneous filter-flag ignored" mean?
Briefly, that you have :0f
where you should have
(ignoring any other flags and possible lock file
you might have). The f
flag is perhaps a bit poorly
explained in the manual, seeing as lots of people are using it
where they shouldn't (probably "filtering" sounds too enticing
in a filtering program -- of course you want to filter
your mail, dear).
Okay, then what is the significance of the number zero on the
A: Nowadays, none really. In old versions of Procmail, you had to tell it how many condition lines your recipe contained (yes, "bletch"). The syntax was later extended and the number zero special-cased to mean, all the following lines which begin with asterisks are condition lines. (The asterisk at the beginning of each condition is obviously also part of this extended syntax.)
This is just a conventional way to talk about the line that starts with
the five characters "From
" at the very beginning of the
headers of a mail message. This is a tricky line for several reasons:
(note the trailing colon on this one). The underscore is
used partially to underscore [sic] the fact that we are
talking about this colonless pseudo-header, not
the From: header proper.
lines often lead to messages
being split where the unescaped From
because the MUA genuinely thinks this marked the start of
a new message.
line as message
separator is commonly referred to as "Berkeley mbox format". Not
all systems use this format, but it's pretty much a de facto standard
on Unix. A related format uses the Content-Length:
instead, but keeps the From_
line, leading to
utter and hopeless confusion.
Q: How can I do a logical OR of two or more conditions?
A: The usual reason people are asking this is because the following, which is basically the way to do it, feels clumsy or something.
There are situations where you can't do this, such as when one of the conditions is a negated condition. You can try to fool around with de Morgan's laws to get you somewhere where this doesn't play in, or use scoring::0 * condition1|condition2|condition3|condition4 { ... do something about it ... }
Some side effects are different when you resort to scoring; for instance, if you are also using the:0 * 1^0 condition1|condition2 * 1^0 ! not condition 3 * 1^0 ? /path/to/external-program whose exit code we want to look at { ... now do something about that instead ... }
operator to grab stuff into
, scoring will generally grab the last matching line,
whereas a straightforward regex OR will stop already at the first one.
(You can change the 1 in 1^0
to some really big number
to prevent this.)
A: Thusly:
You can test against any Procmail regular expression. You might want to anchor the beginning and end of the match with the:0 * ARG ?? regex action
special anchor (so to match "str" but not "string", "Strauss",
or "tapestry", you'd say ^^str^^
Also note the absence of a dollar sign on the variable name.
Of course, this is all in the manual, by the way ;^)
A: Good girl/boy. Here's a partial list.
-- that's a backslash and a dot.
A lone dot, of course, will match any one character.
special token
and the \<
and \>
word-boundary operators.
(The characters < / > just match themselves.
The only use for double backslash is to match
a literal backslash character,
except at the beginning of a regex,
but you don't want to learn about that yet.
Read the
backslash part of the gotchas section
when you've grown a little big bigger.)
is never necessary.
doesn't serve any useful purpose, either.
just after
is also superfluous
and will actually dilute the effect of those macros,
because they already contain a wildcard expression at the end
which is better bounded
and thus both more efficient and more user-friendly
(unless you specifically want matches to start anywhere,
including, for example, in the middle of a word)
than just "any character any number of times".
" will indeed match
anything which contains "dog" or "dogs", but also "dogma" and
"endogenous" and any other word containing the three letters d-o-g.
(And yes, the optional s at the end is not really doing anything
useful there. "dog" will match "dogs" just fine, and the s is not
preventing matching on words which don't contain an s. A better
expression might be \<dogs?\>
-- this will
require the match to be a word of its own.)
files you find on the Net
will contain a LOCKFILE=some/file
clause which in most
circumstances can be seen as redundant. (It basically ensures that
you can only receive no more than one message at a time, which is
nice if you absolutely need to keep your log file clean, but potentially
a large waste of resources as it can create numerous apparently "hanging"
Procmail processes waiting for their turn if you receive many mail
messages in rapid succession.)
, or
unless you are fairly confident you know what you
are doing.
or using your actual inbox as the lock file for itself :-)
can leave Procmail hanging and consuming lots
of resources.
is special-cased
in newer versions of Procmail so that shouldn't be dangerous.
As for the "elegance" of attempting that ...)
A: This is a bit complicated and basically belongs in the "advanced" section. But here's a pretty good explanation. (Thanks to Philip Guenther.)
The light bulb contains the seeds of its own revolution.
Before you panic, try adding VERBOSE=yes
to your
, send yourself a test message, and examine
the information about Procmail's actions that are written to the log.
This tells you, in excruciating detail, about every decision Procmail
makes while processing your rc
Some common error messages are explained briefly above. Go back and look for "couldn't determine implicit lockfile". (Search for the error you're getting instead if this is not it.)
All of Procmail's own error messages and some plausible explanations
are listed on the Procmail manual page. If you haven't before, now is
the time to read the manual pages. Note that there are several;
explains the syntax of the rc
files while procmailex(5)
contains some good real-world
examples. There is also procmailsc(5)
which discusses the
scoring system.
Free tip: You'll avoid a lot of sarcastic replies if you make sure you try this before you post to the Procmail mailing list or some newsgroup about your problems.
With this recipe, you can use Procmail directly from the command line, typing in experimental messages as you go along, or feeding it a message on standard input, like this:TMPDIR=/tmp/$USER MAILDIR=$TMPDIR/procmail.out DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/$USER VERBOSE=yeah SHELL=/bin/sh :0 * ? test -d $TMPDIR || mkdir $TMPDIR * ? test -d $MAILDIR || mkdir $MAILDIR { } :0E { # Bail out if either directory didn't exist and couldn't be created EXITCODE=127 HOST } # ... your experimental recipes here
procmail experiments.rc <test.mbox
(assuming you had saved the above example rc file in experiments.rc and have a test message for it in the file test.mbox).
[Click here to download a copy of experiments.rc]
Procmail is supposed to
log all deliveries. This is not working correctly in
3.11pre7; expect a fix in the next version.
ln -s '<' /etc/malloc.conf
See the malloc(3) man page if you're on FreeBSD
and wonder what this means.)
can give you core dumps.
formail -r
breaks RFC822
formail -rt
if you don't know what this means.
Perhaps you should always use it anyway.
Never mind that the documentation says something funny about
how the -t
option implies "trusting" the sender.
Without -t
, you stand a good chance of replying
to the envelope sender, which is a violation of the standard.
(See next item.)
formail -r
or formail -rt
is not documented
macro which catches all variants of
, Cc:
, Resent-To:
etcetera, there also ought to be a ^FROM
would catch, say, From:
, Sender:
, and so forth. But this is in fact not
the case, and Stephen van den Berg has repeatedly stated that
he will not add such a special macro.
FROM="^(From[ ]|(Old-|X-)?(Resent-)?(From|Reply-To|Sender):)(.*\<)?" # Use thusly: :0 * $ ${FROM}billg@microsoft\.com | $HOME/bin/throw-virtual-cake
you use it at your own risk, of course.
(This is provided as an example. Compare to the documentation for
and pick the things you like from both.)
:0 | formail -AMoo: -IFoo: -r\ -aBoo:
:0 | formail -AMoo: -IFoo: -r-aBoo:
* Condition which wants to continue \ () with leading whitespace
* VAR ?? ()\$string which starts with a literal dollar sign * VAR ?? [$]string which also starts with a literal dollar sign * VAR ?? (\$)third alternative solution
and leave a notice
about what happened:
sed '/^-- $/,$c\ -- \ sed: .signature removed'
NL=" " :0bfwi * ^From:(.*\<)?dquayle?@aol\.com\> | sed '/^-- $/,$c\'"$NL"'-- \'"$NL"'sed: .signature removed'
. The newlines are in double quotes while
all the other stuff is in single quotes. Do pay attention
to the first lines which define the NL
though -- that's double quote, newline, double quote.)
or tcsh
prepare for havoc.
at the beginning of your .procmailrc
is only available to external programs
section, so perhaps it's not a feature :-)
if you need to use $@
internally, you'll have to go
via an external program such as echo
:0ir ARGS=| echo "$@"
subsequently is still not
exactly the same as "$@"
is to the shell.
file the error is happening on
and it should become apparent
where the problem is.
formail -A
or -I
don't imply -X
or -I
in a command which also uses -X
, you have to
explicitly add an -X
for the fields you just
formail -rt -XTo: -A"X-Loop: me@my.isp"
immediately after inserting it.
You have to extract it explicitly, even though you just added it:
formail -rt -XTo: -A"X-Loop: me@my.isp" -XX-Loop:
has a fixed order for parsing its arguments
and lockfile
won't tell
you what their version number is.
operator is a bit unwieldy. The way that it changes
the longest-match behavior of the regexp engine will bite you one day
if it hasn't already.
the related question in the previous section.
interpolation operator will add a set of empty
parentheses at the beginning of the interpolated value.
flag to suppress warnings
about data not being read, but it's a kind of a kludge.)
A: Here are some of the most typical problems with getting Procmail to run in the first place:
file, it could be that your site is
the Sendmail Restricted Shell, for mail delivery.
In this case, you should get a bounce message saying
something like
"Address <foo@bar> is unsafe for mailing to programs"
"Cannot use <metacharacter> in command".
Your admin has to explicitly tell smrsh
that Procmail is a program you are allowed to
call up from your .forward
(if you are -- you might not be, since
there are security risks involved;
users can basically run any program they wish
from within Procmail,
thereby invalidating the whole idea with smrsh
Look for a compile-time fix in an upcoming version of Procmail, though.
The administrator will then be able to restrict which programs the user's
Procmail can execute ... and then you might even be able to persuade your
admin to install Procmail as your local MDA for this feature alone).
lines from
old messages to find out what routes mail to you usually
takes -- the lines closest to the top are the most important.
If the mail server is a different architecture,
or can't mount your home directory, or whatever,
you will have problems. Ask your site admin for help.)
right at the top of your .procmailrc
What are all those mysterious things I'm supposed to stick in my
First off, for the record, you don't need a .forward
if Procmail is your local MDA. Ask your admin.
If Procmail is not your local MDA, you need something more or less like what the manual suggests. Here's one popular variation:
(That should all be on a single line. Unwrap it if it appears wrapped. Unwarp it if it appears warped. The surrounding double quotes are significant.)"|IFS=' '&&p=/usr/local/bin/procmail&&test -f $p&&exec $p -f-||exit 75#whatever"
should be what your local
manual page suggests (and please, people, change
to your own login name with a hash mark in front).
Here's what it does:
"and" connective means, do the next
action only if the previous action(s) succeeded.
"or" connective means, do the next
action if the preceding action(s) failed.
IFS=' '
sets the shell's "internal field separator"
to a single space. This is mostly just in order to prevent some
old Sendmail hacks which were based on setting the IFS to something
is set to where-ever you expect
to find your Procmail binary. This allows us to use the convenient
shorthand $p
instead of this longish pathname,
and also means that if you ever move it, there is only one place
where you need to remember to change it.
will fail if the file named in $p
doesn't exist.
replaces this script we're currently executing
with Procmail if the binary is successfully loaded.
The parameter -f-
says to Procmail to regenerate missing
lines and update the timestamp on existing ones.
only happens if either the test
the exec
failed. If this is the case, the exit code
number 75 is passed back to Sendmail, which interprets it as a
temporary mailer failure and requeues the message (we hope).
(See also the
elsewhere in this FAQ.)
succeeded, sendmail
never reach here. Whatever the exec
executes replaces
whatever was reading the .forward
file and whatever exit code
that returns will be returned instead.
doesn't do anything, but serves to make
sure your .forward
file is unique, in case your site
is running a braindead over-optimizing Sendmail.
(See the
explanation for this in Stephen's original FAQ.)
I have this recipe which I basically copied from someone's working
but it gives me funny errors such as
"Badly placed ()'s" or "foo: not found". What's happening here?
The first error message is a Csh error message (also "Too many ('s")
-- add the following to your .procmailrc
and try again:
The second error comes from a Bourne shell which can't find the command namedSHELL=/bin/sh
. It probably means your PATH
is not set up properly, or a program the recipe needs doesn't exist
on your system, or the recipe author used the (somewhat dubious)
convention of defining commands as Procmail variables and using
these variables in the actual recipes:
The above will only work if the variables FORMAIL and FGREP are set to suitable values such as:0 * ? $FORMAIL -XFrom: -XSender: | $FGREP /dev/null
and FGREP=/usr/bin/fgrep
earlier in your
. (And you can't just snatch these values
from here either -- ask your local gurus [or the recipe author]
to help you out if you don't understand what this does.)
Q: Yikes! Where did my mail go??
A: Usually, to a file in your MAILDIR. Look in the log for clues (you were using the logging facility, yes? Yes?) and in your MAILDIR for files called something funny such as "*" or "# I wonder if Procmail allows comments here" (the quotes are not part of the file names and these file names are not necessarily representative).
A: It's supposed to work that way. What the recipe does is, if formail detects a duplicate, it will succeed, which makes Procmail think the message is now delivered. In other words, the message was just delivered to the bit bucket because formail gulped it and didn't save it anywhere. When a message is not a duplicate, formail fails, Procmail notices delivery was not successful, and Procmail falls back to continued processing.
A: It's a feature. Normally, you want Procmail to keep track of what your recipes are doing, and salvage your data if something goes wrong with one of them. If you have a recipe like this:
it will work some of the time, when the message from Stan is short enough, but that's a coincidence. With a longer message, though, Unix starts paying attention to what is happening, because it will have to buffer some of the data, and then when the buffered data is never read, an error occurs. The error is passed back to Procmail, and Procmail tries to be nice and give you back your original message as it was before this malicious program truncated it. Never mind that in this case you wanted to truncate the data. Anyway, the fix is easy: Just add an# Old Stan always writes boring messages, # we only really need to see the first five lines of'em :0fbw * ^From: stanislaus@poland\.com | head -5
flag to the recipe
instead of :0fbw
) to make Procmail
ignore the error.
Procmail by default sends a notification message for all delivered
messages. The COMSAT
pseudovariable controls this;
see the documentation for details. So for starters, make sure you have
set to the right thing -- in a verbose log, you
should see something like
for each delivered message.procmail: Notified comsat: "you@offset:file"
Unfortunately, many systems come with an ancient version of comsat(8) which doesn't pay attention to the last part of this notification. Thus, you will see apparently random biff notices, or none at all for mail delivered outside your system spool.
The solution is to [get your admin to] install a comsat daemon which understands the newer, extended form of the comsat protocol.
Put another way, this is where the really Frequently Asked Questions are answered.
Put another way, this is the kitchen sink.
You can't match on the BCC:
header because it is not
present in the message you receive.
If the sending program is functioning correctly, it will copy the
recipient data from the BCC:
header into the "envelope",
so it knows where to send the message,
and then completely discard the BCC:
header from the
This is what the "Blind" in "Blind Carbon Copy" stands for;
none of the recipients are supposed to see
who's been BCC:
(Okay, so the spec has a few more twists.
This is how Sendmail does it.
Some other mailers will show the BCC list
to the people who are being BCC:ed.)
Q: The Received: header seems to often contain something like Received: from elsewhere (...) by somewhere (...) for <recipient@host.domain> even if the recipient was Bcc:ed -- can't I rely on that?
A: No. Next question?
The problem is that (a) not all MTA:s add this information, and (b) if the message was sent to several recipients at your site, this information will not be there.
A: You don't, you use formail to split it it back into separate messages and feed each into its own little procmail process.
formail -ns procmail experiments.rc < test.mbox
(This will use the recipes in the rc file experiments.rc
Be careful with the -n switch if you have a large amount of messages to process.
A: The canonical way to get the sender's trimmed-down address is
This looks a bit counter-intuitive, but it works fine, provided that you don't mind the fact thatformail -rtzxTo:
formail -rt
prefer e.g. the value of Reply-To:
over From:
This will in fact do two things, which is not apparent if you're not too
familiar with formail. One: It will generate a reply header
(formail -rt
). Two: Out of this new header, it will extract
the To:
field (formail -zxTo:
). By happy
coincidence, the generated reply address will only contain the actual
email terminus, without the full name or other comments. Voila.
None of this is important if you merely want to find an address to
send off a reply to (all you need for that is formail -rt
and pass it to Sendmail). An address with a full name will do just
fine for replying; any decent mail program should accept that
(although you probably need to put it in double quotes to pass it as a
single argument). For keeping a database of addresses, though, the
stripped-down version is better (but still not perfect, and keep in
mind that the host.domain part is not case sensitive).
Typical newbie mistake: formail -rtzxFrom:
this will actually return nothing at all, but you could in fact
expect it to return your own address.
If this approach doesn't suit you for some reason, you could always
post-process the address through some simple script which
successively strips off layers of comments and whitespace.
A fully RFC822-compliant script isn't trivial to write, but for
many purposes, a simple sed
script will probably do.
(If you're truly masochistic, try to figure out how to get
to strip the address and hand it back
to you :-)
Perhaps you also want to look at formail -rD
which keeps
record of a limited number of addresses and expires the oldest ones as
it gets fed new addresses.
I've seen all these recipes which use EXITCODE=
but how can I tell what exit codes to use?
The file
should contain a good listing. If not, ask your system
administrator where to get this information.
These exit codes are fairly standardized but you should still not be
surprised if something turns out to be different at your site. Some
things are also probably more or less Sendmail-centric.
(The mechanism when you use this from Procmail is that Procmail
quits with the specified error code, and the calling program
is expected to catch that and act accordingly, i.e. generate
a bounce message in most situations. If you are calling Procmail
from a program which doesn't do this, there will obviously be
no bounce. So if you test Procmail from your shell prompt and
you see **Bounced**
in the log, it only really
means Procmail quit with a non-zero exit code.)
Not all programs return sensible error codes. If you see "mailer died with error 12 and a half" in a bounce message, it probably means the recipient ran his own home-grown filter on your message and it just happened to die with a more or less random and nonstandard exit code. Procmail, of course, is an excellent wrapper to put around such misbehaving programs.
If your /usr/lib/sendmail
is in fact not a real Sendmail,
it probably doesn't care about Procmail's exit code. At least Smail is
rumored to behave this way. Bottom line, as always: test your recipes.
How can I prevent my .forward
from being included in
's bounce messages?
I am rejecting some unwanted messages by setting EXITCODE
to a suitable value
(see separate question about that)
but the generated bounce will include my .forward
which will reveal to a human reader that my account in fact does exist,
and it won't really allow me to explain the reason for the bounce, either.
Can I make the bounce include a better explanation to the receiver
of the bounce, or otherwise customize it?
A: If your site is using Procmail as your local MDA, you shouldn't have this problem. Perhaps you can persuade your admin to install Procmail site-wide, in which case you will have more control over generated bounce messages in general.
If that's not an option, your best bet is probably to simply generate an autoreply which looks like a bounce message, instead of letting sendmail generate the bounce message for you. Required reading: RFC1894, or get one of the existing bounce generators (there's at least one; see the Links page for more information).
Q: How can I extract (or kill) MIME parts from composite messages?
A: While there is nothing inherently very complicated about MIME multipart messages, the problem is not particularly a Procmail problem. You cannot write a Procmail recipe or a sed script which can parse them on its own because the MIME format is -- after all -- complicated enough to require a bit more muscle than simple regular expressions.
You can write your own Perl script to pick apart the messages
(recommended: get the Perl MIME module instead of inventing your own wheel)
or use a dedicated program such as munpack
to handle them.
(See the
for pointers.)
An unsound thing to do, which people ask about a lot anyway, is to kill
all MIME messages. This should be easy (all compliant MIME messages
contain a Mime-Version:
header) but not smart, because MIME
is merely an extension technology, not a sign that the message contains
anything in particular that people usually want to filter with this measure
(such as a huge file attachment, or HTML-encrypted message text, or
text in the Latin-1 character set or a number of other character sets,
including the default US-ASCII, or anything else that MIME can be a
vehicle for). Again, reading up on MIME would probably be a good idea if
you are thinking about this.
Q: How do I implement a virtual domain in Procmail?
Or, is Procmail even the right tool for this? (The short answer is no.)
A: It has been asked a number of times if it's possible to implement a good forwarding scheme which can take care of things like Cc:s to different users in the same virtual domain.
Here's what you might have started out with:
:0 * ^TO_jill@mydomain\.virtual ! jill@real.address :0 * ^TO_jane@mydomain\.virtual ! jane@somewhere.else
The problem now is that if something comes in
both jane
and jill
(with infinite variations of Cc:s, Resent-To:, etc)
it will only be forwarded to jill
You might try to generate a duplicate for each respondent you
see, and kill off the message when it doesn't contain any more,
but that doesn't really solve anything, either, and you'll have to get
creative again in order to stop Procmail from generating too many
duplicates. It all gets pretty hairy.
The short answer is that Procmail is not the right tool for this.
If you really want this to work, you will also want
s to work
(see the BCC
question above),
which is usually not possible without tweaking your Sendmail
configuration. In which case you might as well implement some or all
of the actual forwarding mechanism in Sendmail, which is the right
tool anyway.
The basic problem is that when mail gets delivered into mailboxes at the upstream, the envelope information (like who the message is for) is usually discarded. So you shouldn't deliver into a mailbox that is not the correct mailbox, you should continue to transport the mail until you are ready to deliver to the final destination.
You can tweak Sendmail to copy selected envelope fields to the message header, but you don't have to do that if you don't deliver the message prematurely.
In a typical my-home-computer-is-my-domain setting, you could instead transport mail to your home computer using UUCP. fetchmail can allegedly also handle this for you, allowing you to have all mail for your domain delivered to a single POP account with the envelope information intact.
Q: Procmail is broken in this respect, isn't it?
A: No. If every problem begins to look like a nail, you need to have more tools than just the hammer in your toolbox.
Q: So how do I configure Sendmail to handle virtual domains?
A: Now, this is a Sendmail topic, but there's an instructive message about this from Philip Guenther which is available from the archives of the Procmail mailing list, volume 96 no 169. Or you can look at this local copy
Also check out the Sendmail FAQ, which discusses this at some length. And please visit if you haven't already.
Q: How do I implement a "vacation" program? A spam auto-responder?
Look at the procmailex
man page.
For an even simpler solution
(in that it's less reading for you and
presumably a better and more stable solution than you could build on your
own in a couple of hours),
get Alan K. Stebbens's Procmail library (see below)
and tweak to suit your needs.
If unsolicited bulk e-mail, aka spam, is a problem for you, your best defense is to get your ISP to filter your mail at the SMTP and/or router level. The next best option is to install one of the many existing Procmail antispam packages. The Links page has pointers to a host of'em. If you want to discuss the minutia of detecting spam, a dedicated spam list is probably a better forum than the Procmail-L mailing list.
Bouncing unwanted messages is not necessarily a smart thing to do.
with the Subject: send pm-tips.txt
directory, where you'll find various Procmail
libraries among sundry other files.
-- were it not for the Procmail-L mailing list. If you're serious
about Procmail, you need to be on this list. It also happens to be one
of the most helpful bunches of people on the 'Net.
No names mentioned, in order not to offend those I'd no doubt forget
to remember -- you know who you are!
To Links page * Feedback and comments are most welcome!
The cover page has a "to do" section with some ideas. If you think you can help out with any of them, it would be very much appreciated.
A text-only version of this
Procmail FAQ is also available by e-mail
(via Procmail of course);
send a message to
with a
Subject: header containing only the words send procmail-faq
... to get a copy of the experiments.rc
file, use
send experiments.rc