SLI Practical Group B Tail-Wag



Originally two people were allocated to the Application part of the project: Carwyn Edwards and Dave Harding. After a short period of time Carwyn pulled out of the project and it was decided to continue with only one person (Dave Harding) working to the applications area. This is why some of the earlier plans below may have wider expectations of resource availability than later documents.

Project Selection

This was conducted by the whole group and was aimed at deciding what our application was.

Project Definition

This was done primarily by Dave and Carwyn but with feedback from the rest of the group and specialist advice in respect of the othe group members areas of expertise. The object of this part was to define what functionality the demonstration should have and what its behavior should be.

Project Design

This work was done By Dave Harding with some early input from Carwyn Edwards. This work concerned turning the project we had defined as a group into a design that we could implement in VCC and using the Lego robot kits.

Project Implementation

This work was done by Dave Harding. This required the implementation of the 'boxes' that had been defined in the design into VCC implementations using a combination of whitebox C and blackbox C++.

Project Integration

This part required the integration of external proxy programs to provide an interface between VCC and the WWW server and the Lego Mindstorms system. It also included the integration of the Bluetooth high level VCC models to allow the application to run over a fully simulated bluetooth bluetooth connection.