TACAS2002 forms part of
the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software.
Tool descriptions and case studies with a conceptual message and theoretical papers with a clear link to tool construction are particularily encouraged. The specific topics covered by the conference include, but are not limited to, the following.
As TACAS addresses a heterogeneous audience, potential authors are strongly
encouraged to write about their ideas in general and jargon-independent,
rather than application- and domain-specific, terms.
Software Construction and Analysis Tools for Future Space Missions
Invited speaker
The TACAS2002 invited speaker is Dr. Michael Lowry of
NASA Ames Research Center. He will speak on
Programme committee
The programme committee for TACAS2002 is:
Thomas Ball (Microsoft) | tball@microsoft.com | home page |
Ahmed Bouajjani (LIAFA, Paris 7) | abou@liafa.jussieu.fr | home page |
Paolo Ciancarini (Bologna) | cianca@CS.UniBO.IT | home page |
Rance Cleaveland (SUNY at Stony Brook) | rance@cs.sunysb.edu | home page |
Matthew Dwyer (Kansas State U) | dwyer@cis.ksu.edu | home page |
Javier Esparza (Edinburgh, previously TU Munich) | jav@dcs.ed.ac.uk | home page |
Hubert Garavel (INRIA Rhone-Alpes) | Hubert.Garavel@inria.fr | home page |
Patrice Godefroid (Bell Labs) | god@bell-labs.com | home page |
Daniel Jackson (MIT) | dnj@lcs.mit.edu | home page |
Claude Jard (IRISA Rennes) | Claude.Jard@irisa.fr | no home page |
Joost-Pieter Katoen (Twente) | katoen@cs.utwente.nl | home page |
Yassine Lakhnech (VERIMAG Grenoble) | Yassine.Lakhnech@imag.fr | home page |
Kim Larsen (Aalborg) | kgl@iesd.auc.dk | home page |
John Rushby (SRI) | rushby@csl.sri.com | home page |
Mary Sheeran (Chalmers) | ms@cs.chalmers.se | home page |
Bernhard Steffen (Dortmund) | Bernhard.Steffen@cs.uni-dortmund.de | home page |
Perdita Stevens (Edinburgh) | Perdita.Stevens@dcs.ed.ac.uk | home page |
Wang Yi (Uppsala) | yi@csd.uu.se | home page |
Authors' instructions: please follow the Springer LNCS instructions. Accepted papers will be required to follow these precisely, and submissions which deviate significantly, especially in length, may be rejected without review. In particular, your paper should include an abstract of between 70 and 150 words, and should be no more than 15 pages long.
Note that all submissions must be original and dual submission, including to other ETAPS conferences, is not allowed Dual submission may result in automatic rejection from both conferences.
The submission web site is http://tacas2k2.cs.utwente.nl/