
Package eduni.simjava

Classes that form the main simulation structure of SimJava.


Interface Summary
Sim_output The interface that a trace output class must provide.
Sim_reporter This interface defines the functionality that must be present in the simulation's reporter.

Class Summary
Sim_accum A class for collecting basic statistical data during simulations.
Sim_any_p A predicate which will match any event on the deferred event queue.
Sim_entity This class represents the types of entities or processes of the simulation.
Sim_event This class represents events which are passed between the entities in the simulation.
Sim_from_p A predicate which selects events from specific entities.
Sim_none_p A predicate which will not match any event on the deferred event queue.
Sim_not_from_p A predicate which selects events that have not been sent by specific entities.
Sim_not_type_p A predicate to select events that don't match specific tags.
Sim_port This class represents ports which are used to connect entities for event passing.
Sim_predicate Predicates are used to select events from the deferred queue.
Sim_stat A class that provides entities with statistical support.
Sim_system The SimJava simulation kernel.
Sim_type_p A predicate to select events with specific tags.

Error Summary
Sim_exception Top-level error thrown when an error in the simulation occurs.
Sim_stat_exception Error thrown when an error occurs in a Sim_stat object.

Package eduni.simjava Description

Classes that form the main simulation structure of SimJava.


The University of Edinburgh, 2002