PEPA — Performance Evaluation Process Algebra


% This is a sample input file for the PEPA Workbench for PEPA Nets

% Components
Agent = (go, lambda).Agent1;
Agent1 = (interrogate, r_i).Agent2;
Agent2 = (return, mu).Agent3;
Agent3 = (dump, r_d).Agent;

Master = (dump, infty).Master1;
Master1 = (analyse, r_a).Master;

Probe = (monitor, r_m).Probe
     + (interrogate, infty).Probe;

% Places in the net
P1 = Agent[_] <interrogate,dump> Probe;
P2 = Agent[Agent] <interrogate,dump> Master;
P3 = Agent[_] <interrogate,dump> Probe;

% Arcs
P2 -(go, lambda)>- P3;
P3 -(return, mu)>- P2;

P2 -(go, lambda)>- P1;
P1 -(return, mu)>- P2;

% The initial marking
(P1, P2, P3)