PEPA — Performance Evaluation Process Algebra

Bibliography of papers on PEPA

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This is a bibliography of papers, articles and books on the use and development of Performance Evaluation Process Algebra (PEPA). Many of the papers listed here are available from this page via hyperlinks. The PEPA bibliography is also available as a BibTeX file, DVI, PostScript and PDF.

If you have written a paper on PEPA which you would like to have included here or you would like to make updates or corrections to this list please send an email to Stephen Gilmore.

This page is also indexed at Citeseer. If the paper you are looking for is not here you can query Citeseer for papers on PEPA.

S. Gilmore and J. Hillston. The PEPA Feature Construct, pages 125-142. Springer-Verlag, 2001. (PostScript, 18 pages, 349369 bytes) (PDF, 232884 bytes)

J. Hillston. FMPA Lecture Notes, chapter Exploiting Structure in Solution: Decomposing Composed Models. Springer-Verlag, 2001. (Gzipped PostScript, 37 pages, 304435 bytes)

J. Hillston and L. Kloul. Performance investigation of an on-line auction system. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 13:23-41, 2001. (Gzipped PostScript, 21 pages, 141499 bytes) (PDF, 240271 bytes)

S. Gilmore, J. Hillston, and M. Ribaudo. An efficient algorithm for aggregating PEPA models. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 27(5):449-464, May 2001. (PostScript, 17 pages, 708666 bytes) (PDF, 477182 bytes)

N. Thomas and J. Bradley. Towards reliable software performance modelling using stochastic process algebra. Technical Report 01-01, University of Durham, 2001. January. (PostScript, 837319 bytes) (PDF, 374716 bytes)

J. Hillston, L. Recalde, M. Ribaudo, and M. Silva. A comparison of the expressiveness of SPA and bounded SPN models. In B. Haverkort and R. German, editors, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, Aachen, Germany, September 2001. IEEE Computer Science Press. (PostScript, 10 pages, 246749 bytes) (PDF, 204623 bytes)

N. Thomas and J. Bradley. Terminating processes in PEPA. In Djemame and Kara [21], pages 143-154. (PostScript, 12 pages, 208711 bytes)

S. Gilmore, J. Hillston, and M. Ribaudo. PEPA-coloured stochastic Petri nets. In Djemame and Kara [21], pages 155-166.

J. Hillston and L. Kloul. An efficient Kronecker representation for PEPA models. In de Alfaro and Gilmore [20], pages 120-135. (PostScript, 16 pages, 370425 bytes) (PDF, 258688 bytes)

G. Clark and W.H. Sanders. Implementing a stochastic process algebra within the Möbius modeling framework. In de Alfaro and Gilmore [20], pages 200-215. (PostScript, 16 pages, 476501 bytes)

F. Stathopoulos. Enhancing the PEPA Workbench with simulation and experimentation facilities. Master's thesis, School of Computer Science, The University of Edinburgh, September 2001. (Gzipped PostScript, 84 pages, 656321 bytes)

James Edwards. Process algebras for protocol validation and analysis. In Proceedings of PREP 2001, pages 1-20, Keele, April 2001. EPSRC. (PostScript, 20 pages, 3676676 bytes) (PDF, 309575 bytes)

L. de Alfaro and S. Gilmore, editors. Proceedings of the first joint PAPM-PROBMIV Workshop, volume 2165 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Aachen, Germany, September 2001. Springer-Verlag.

K. Djemame and M. Kara, editors. Proceedings of the Seventeenth UK Performance Engineering Workshop, University of Leeds, July 2001.