The PEPA Plug-in Project

Here are shown some screenshots of the graphical user interface of the tool running on Eclipse Europa, JVM 1.5 on Linux Fedora Core 6.

CTMC Analysis

Screenshot showing a PEPA model with a small part of its state space below (with computed steady states) and utilisation statistics to the left of the model. Click on the picture for a larger view. CTMC

CTMC Experimentation

Screenshot showing the same PEPA model with experimentation wizard. Here the results on throughput when varying the number of Browsers in the model can be seen from the graph, with the wizard to the left of the model. Click on the picture for a larger view. CTMC

Time Series Analysis

Screenshot showing behaviour of the model over the first 100 time units. The wizard for time series analysis is to the left of the model, showing the screen for selecting components. Click on the picture for a larger view. Time Series

The Abstraction View

Screenshot showing the abstraction view in use. This displays the sequential components of a PEPA model in a graphical form, and allows sets of states to be labelled with property names that can be referred to in the model checking view. A component can be abstracted by selecting a set of states, and clicking the Aggregate button. Click on the picture for a larger view. The Abstraction View

The CSL Property Editor

Screenshot showing the editor for Continuous Stochastic Logic (CSL) properties. It only allows valid properties to be constructed, and allows the atomic properties defined in the abstraction view to be used. Click on the picture for a larger view. The CSL Property Editor