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Academic visits

Visiting Professorship at LIENS (CNRS) et DMI Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, January 2000, invited by Giuseppe Longo.
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS), Department of Mathematics. Invited by Dalcidio Moares Claudio. Main activities: (1) 15h course on exact real number computation and topology to MSc and PhD students of three universities (PUC-RS, UFRGS, and UFPel), (2) work on survey article on connections of domain theory and interval analysis.
Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Computer Science. Invited by Dana Scott.
Technische Hoschule Darmstadt, Department of Mathematics. Four visits under a joint ARC/DAD grant ``A Computational Approach to Integration and Measure Theory''. I gave series of talks, and also did some joint work with Klaus Keimel, Thomas Streicher, Martin Hofmann, and Thomas Erker.

Martin Escardo