This page is provided for historical interest. For a list of recent and forth coming conferences hosted at Informatics in Edinburgh, see the page
CTCS '99 is the 8th conference on Category Theory and Computer Science. The purpose of the conference series is the advancement of the foundations of computing using the tools of category theory. While the emphasis is upon applications of category theory, it is recognized that the area is highly interdisciplinary.
Previous meetings have been held in Guildford (Surrey), Edinburgh, Manchester, Paris, Amsterdam, Cambridge, and S. Margherita Ligure (Genova).
Conference proceedings will appear in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science . Paper copies of the proceedings will be available to participants at the conference.
Invited speakers:
R. Hasegawa, Univ. of Tokyo (Japan) P. Freyd, Univ. of Pennsylvania (USA) M. Fiore, Univ. of Sussex (UK) D. Smith, Kestrel Institute (USA)
Programme committee:
Accepted papers: title and abstract, titles only
Deadline: 19 July 1999 early registration,
Local organization:
M. Lekuse,
M. Hofmann
Related event: 2nd
Organising Committee: