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Table 20:
Sales of Scotch Whisky and Northern Irish Whiskey * to the Major Markets in 1994

(Volume figures in million litres of pure alcohol)

		   % OF
			 BOTTLE	  BULK	        BOTTLE	BULK	     #stlg MILLION

EU excluding UK	   33.13  11.73   3.73	 1.43	 74.93	 4.10	 95.92	823.04
 France		    9.65   4.13   2.41	 0.97	 17.93	 2.48	 27.92	196.65
 Spain		    8.30   0.95   0.66	 0.04	 21.97	 0.42	 24.04	204.97
 Greece		    3.22   0.83      -	 0.01	  8.48	    -	  9.32	 92.17
 Germany	    2.81   1.20   0.26	 0.14	  6.20	 0.34	  8.14	 80.32
 Italy		    2.74   2.38   0.02	 0.04	  5.37	 0.13	  7.94	 72.63
 Portugal	    2.09   0.62      -	 0.02	  5.28	 0 14	  6.06	 54.93
 Netherlands	    1.49   0.67   0.18	 0.02	  3.17	 0.26	  4.30	 35.74
 Others		    2.83   0.95   0.20	 0.19	  6.53	 0.33	  8.20	 85.63

USA		   13.14   1.46   0.10	 1.25	 20.46	14.78	 38.05	283.72
United Kingdom	   12.89   1.97      - 	 0.05	 35.30	    -	 37.32	   N/A
Japan		    5.32   0.14   5.19	 3.05	  6.91	 0.10	 15.39	133.58
South Korea	    3.33   0.03   2.70	 4.01	  1.47	 1.43	  9.64	 72.44
Australia	    2.82   0.13   0.04	 0.02	  2.67	 5.30	  8.16	 37.29
South Africa	    2.56   0.11   0.24	 0.21	  6.40	 0.46	  6.42	 46.29
Thailand	    2.09   0.02      -	 0.02	  5.95	 0.05	  6.04	 70.02
Venezuela	    1.94      -   0.45	 0.05	  3.74	 1.37	  5.61	 51.09
Total All Markets 100.00  16.71  15.81	12.14	212.09	32.78	289.53	   N/A
Sales = HM Customs & Excise Export Statistics and UK Home Releases
* Relates to production of one distillery in Northern Ireland

2001 Sales to the EU went up to 39.8%, the order staying approximately the same. Sales to the USA went down to 9.76%

(OCR-scanned document)

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