West Isles
Statistical Tables
Simplified tables
Duty on Whisky through the years
Number of Active Distilleries
Tables from the SWA Statistical Report 1994
Table 1: Scotch Whisky - Incidence of Duty
Tables 2-4: Duty ratios between other alcoholic drinks and Scotch Whisky
Table 5a: Scotch Whisky Production 1990-94
Table 7: Stocks of Whisky in bonded warehouses
Table 7a: Stocks by Type
Table 7b: Changes in Stocks by Type and Year Produced
Table 9: Monthly Totals of Duty Paid Scotch Whisky
Table 10: Duty Paid Scotch Whisky retained for home use
Table 13: Exports of Scotch Whisky [...] 1965-94
Table 19: Exports of Scotch Whisky [...]
Table 20: Sales of Scotch Whisky [...] to the Major Markets
Table 21: Exports of Scotch Whisky [...] by Market Groups
Table 28: Exports of Scotch Whisky [...] 1993,94 by country
Table 29: Numbers Employed by Member Companies
Tables marked '*' have been selectively updated to 2001.