STOCKS AS AT DECEMBER 2001 (MLPA) Bulk Malt Whisky (LPA) Total Stocks Owned by Company 1,359 Total Stocks Held on behalf of Non-SWA Members 60 Total in Stock 1,419 Bulk Grain Whisky (LPA) Total Stocks Owned by Company 1,390 Total Stocks Held on behalf of Non-SWA Members 62 Total in Stock 1,451 Bulk Blend Whisky (LPA) Total Stocks Owned by Company 49 Total Stocks Held on behalf of Non-SWA Members 0.782 Total in Stock 49 All Bottled Whisky (LPA) Total Stocks Owned by Company 20 Total Stocks Held on behalf of Non-SWA Members 0.142 Total in Stock 20 Changes in Total Stock by Type Total Malt 1,419 Total Grain 1,451 Total Blend 49 Total Bottled 20 Grand Total 2,939Notes: