The simjava models



The main reason for putting simulation models on the web is to make them instantly accessible and runnable. This is an interesting area which is only just starting to be explored. Bringing simulation models into the open makes them less mysterious and exposes their limitations.

This section presents several examples of multiprocessor system simulations developed for the web, including zoomable timing diagrams and graphs for displaying results obtained on the fly.

The models

These simjava simulation models may be run within a web browser supporting Java 1.1. They have been tested on Sun's hotjava browser and Netscape's communicator version 4.04 preview release 2. They won't run on earlier browsers or on a browser which does not support Java 1.1 properly (like the standard Netscape 4.04).

3D network models

simjava may also be interfaced to 3D models constructed using VRML2. Figure 4.6 shows a 3D visualisation of the multistage switching network model. VRML allows more sophisticated visualisations than using 2D pixmaps, and provides good support for zooming in and out to obtain a visual feel for the behaviour of particular entities, or the whole system. VRML is a very modular language, and the effort required to build a 3D visualisation is comparable to that required for the equivalent 2D model.

3D model of a multistage network


This section has presented versions of the multiprocessor testbed implemented using the simjava simulation language. The main advantage of using a web medium is accessibility of models. The obvious disadvantage of using Java for simulation (compared to C++) is that simulation run times are approximately 8 times slower than C++~\cite{simjava}. However, this is offset by the ease of access to simulation models (i.e. by clicking on a web link), and the support for visualisation which is better in Java than C++.

Fred Howell
Last modified: Tue Juy 14 1998