PEPA — Performance Evaluation Process Algebra

PEPA tools

The PEPA process algebra is supported by the PEPA Eclipse Plug-in project, a contribution to the Eclipse integrated development environment. The PEPA Eclipse Plug-in contains a PEPA editor and performance analysers which use Markov chain or ODE methods or simulation. Performance results are displayed graphically on the platform itself. It also contains an interface for abstracting PEPA models, and for model checking properties in the Continuous Stochastic Logic (CSL). Download the PEPA Eclipse Plug-in from the download site.

Other PEPA tools

The International PEPA compiler (IPC) is a stand-alone passage-time analysis tool for PEPA models. The International PEPA Compiler is been developed at The University of Edinburgh. See the International PEPA compiler web site for further details.

PEPA is also one of the languages supported by the multi-paradigm modelling tool Mobius. The Mobius tool has been developed by the PERFORM research group at the University of Illinois and is available under a different license arrangement from the tools provided here. See the Mobius tool web site for further details.

PEPA models can also be processed using the probabilistic model checker PRISM. See the PRISM web site for further details.

The Imperial PEPA compiler (ipc) compiles PEPA models into the input language of Will Knottenbelt's DNAmaca tool. The ipc tool has been developed at Imperial College, London and is available from there. See the Imperial PEPA compiler web site for further details.

The Grouped PEPA analyser (GPAnalyser) allows fluid analysis of massively parallel systems expressed in the Grouped PEPA language. The ipc tool has been developed at Imperial College, London and is available as an open-source project from the Google Code site. See the GPAnalyser web site for further details.

EMPEPA is software that permits to find the most likely rates of a PEPA model according to a set of sample executions by using the EM algorithm. See the EMPEPA web site for further details.

The wflow2pepa application program can be used to model performance of workflow systems. The user provides a description file by using a form of hierarchical pattern based language. From this, the application generates the corresponding PEPA performance model automatically. (Download wflow2pepa).

Archive of PEPA tools