Local LaTeX 2e Classes at dcs.ed.ac.uk

This page contains a list of all of the LaTeX 2e class and package files that have been developed at the Department of Computer Science of the Unversity of Edinburgh. For each of these, a short description is provided for the facility and, where appropriate, links are provided to the local documentation, sample document, and source LaTeX 2e files.

Headed Letters (csletter / lfcsletter)

Classes for producing CS department or LFCS headed letters which conform to the University of Edinburgh's corporate visual identity. Users can customise the address, telephone and fax numbers, and also supply a URL for a World Wide Web home page.

Presentation Slides (csslides)

A class for designing overhead slides for presentations, seminars, lectures, etc. The resulting slides exhibit a consistent departmental image and could be used for both internal and external presentations. Features include: mixing of portrait / landscape, colour, notes, etc.

Posters (csposter)

A class for producing posters in the University of Edinburgh corporate style. The resultant posters could be used for conference presentations, departmental posters, open day information, lecture course details, etc.

Facsimile Cover Sheets (csfax)

This class provides a generic facsimile transmission sheet for use in the Department of Computer Science. Users can specify various details for the sender and recipient of the fax. A shell utility is also provided to ease the generation of fax cover sheets.

Memorandums (csmemo)

A class that defines a style for internal memorandum sheets for use in the Department of Computer Science. Users can customise the memo headers (e.g. To, From, CC, Subject, Date, etc.) as well as the address header.

Technical Reports (cstechrep)

A class that provides a general style for writing LFCS (Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science) and CSG (Computer Systems Group) technical reports in the Department of Computer Science.

Technical Notes (cstn)

A general style for writing technical notes in the Department of Computer Science. By default, these documents are created on A5 sized pages, ready for printing in "book" format.

Theses (csthesis)

This class offers a generic style for producing undergraduate or postgraduate theses in the Department of Computer Science. The resulting documents are in line with the official University of Edinburgh regulations for theses.

CS4 Project Reports (cs4rep)

A document style for presenting final year undergraduate project reports in the Department of Computer Science.

MSc Project Reports (mscrep)

A document style for presenting M.Sc. project reports in the Department of Computer Science.

Driver-Specific Code (localdriver)

A small package that provides a simple interface to writing LaTeX code that is conditional for a particular driver (e.g. dvips, oztex, etc.).

LaTeX maintainer <latex@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
Last modified: Tue Jan 28 10:44:45 GMT